Sleeping beauty origins -

Sleeping beauty origins Video

A Very Sleepy Beauty - Digital Animation Showcase sleeping beauty origins Sleeping beauty origins

They gather round her window transfixed on her beauty.

sleeping beauty origins

Staring in awe, everyone is silent so as not to wake her and because she has them in a trance. When her eyes begin to flicker as she awakens they run, far, far away.

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But they always return and linger in hope of a glimpse. She stays in their minds forever and they think of her each day. The beautiful girl whose eyes they've never seen, but they want to, they long to see her eyes.

sleeping beauty origins

Because they know they are more beautiful than anything in the world. One look from those eyes and you'll fall into her, locked in her wonderous spell.

sleeping beauty origins

User rating 5. One morning i woke up and just remembered it and the words popped into my head. Credits: DJ, the inspiration for my story.]

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