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Social ecological models

Social ecological models - absolutely assured

Metrics details. The deceased organ donation programme is new in the United Arab Emirates UAE , and to improve acceptability, a broad understanding of public perspectives is thought to be helpful. Therefore, this study aims to explore the extent to which context plays a role in the willingness to register for the deceased organ donation programme in Dubai, UAE. This study used a qualitative methodology and was gauged by the tenets of a social ecological model and lay knowledge. Audio-recorded semi-structured interviews were conducted with 17 participants. The data were subsequently analysed thematically. Four themes emerged from the dataset: fear and body integrity, family, relational ties and the identification of the recipient, religious conviction, and knowledge and personal experiences. The participants feared the whole process, were not aware of the religious outlook, and their knowledge regarding the programme was scarce. In addition, family-related factors, such as parental authority and hierarchy in the family, were also major influencers. Using the social ecological model and lay knowledge helped to unravel the contextual factors that affected the willingness of participants to register for the deceased organ donation programme in Dubai, UAE, thereby enabling the development of a holistic understanding of deceased organ donation. social ecological models.

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Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance ESG refers to the three central factors in measuring the sustainability and societal impact of an investment in a company or business. Analysis of these criteria is thought by some to help to better determine the future financial social ecological models of companies return and risk [ citation needed ]. Historical decisions of where financial assets would be placed were based on various criteria, financial return being predominant.

It was in the s and 60s that the vast pension funds managed by the trades unions recognised the opportunity to affect the wider social environment using their capital assets [4] —in the United States the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers invested their considerable capital in developing affordable housing projects, whilst the United Mine Workers invested in health facilities. In the s, the worldwide abhorrence of the apartheid social ecological models in South Africa led to one of the most renowned examples of selective disinvestment along ethical lines.


As a response to a growing call for sanctions against the regime, the Reverend Leon Sullivana social ecological models member of General Motors in the United States, drew up a Code of Conduct in for practising business with South Africa. The conclusions of the reports led to a mass disinvestment by the US from many South African companies. The resulting pressure applied to the South African regime by its business community added great weight to the growing impetus for the system of apartheid to be abandoned. In the s and s, Social ecological models Friedmanin direct response to the prevailing mood of philanthropy argued that social responsibility adversely affects a firm's financial performance and that regulation and interference from "big government" will always damage the macro economy.

Click the end of the century however a contrary theory began to gain ground.

social ecological models

In James S. Coleman wrote an article in the American Journal of Sociology titled Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capitalthe article challenged the dominance of the concept ecologiccal 'self-interest' in economics and introduced the concept of social capital into the measurement of value. There was a new form of pressure applied, acting in a coalition with environmental groups: it ecologicxl the leveraging power of its collective investors to encourage companies and capital markets to incorporate environmental and social machine russia the into their day-to-day decision-making. Although the concept of selective investment was not a new one, with the demand side of the investment market having a long history of those wishing to control the social ecological models of social ecological models investments, what began to develop at the turn of the 21st century was a response from the supply-side of the equation.

The investment market began to pick up on the growing need for products geared towards what was becoming known as the Responsible Investor.

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In John Elkingtonco-founder of the business consultancy SustainAbility, published Cannibals with Forks: social ecological models Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business in which he identified the newly emerging cluster of non financial considerations which should be included in the factors determining a company or equity's value. He coined the phrase the " triple bottom line ", referring to modele financial, environmental and social factors included in the new calculation.

At the same time the strict division between the environmental sector and the financial sector began to break down.

social ecological models

In the City of London inChris Yates-Smith, a member of the international panel chosen to oversee the technical construction, accreditation and distribution of the Organic Production Standard and founder of one of the City of London's leading branding consultancies, established one of the first environmental finance research groups. The informal group of financial leaders, city lawyers and environmental stewardship NGOs became known as The Virtuous Circleand its brief was to examine the nature of the correlation between environmental and social ecological models standards and financial performance.]

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