Sociological theory of crime causation -

Sociological theory of crime causation

Sociological theory of crime causation - are not

Many criminologists argued that criminals had particular genetic traits that contributed to criminal activity. Lombroso believed that criminals had physical characteristics similar to that of the primitive man such as a broad nose, a low forehead, a smaller skull and a lesser cranial capacity than that to a normal man. A study conducted by Earnest Hooten showed that criminals were physiologically deficient compared to non-criminals. Hooten 20, people criminals and non-criminals to determine the difference. He noticed that many criminals has the genetic characteristics that Lombroso had mentioned such as the low forehead and included narrow jaws and compressed faces. Hooten also concluded that most murders were tall and thin and rapists were small. The research conducted by Lombroso and Hooten has been heavily criticised. The main criticism is that many of the participants selected were picked based on their physical structure or a specific job role. It is important to note that the majority of the early theorists of the Genetic theory were advocates of Eugenics, thus believing that persons of biological deficiencies should not be encouraged to breed because they would only procreate other evolutionary deficient humans. Personality theories of crime causation focus more on the nature argument, suggesting that traits of the personality are passed onto us. sociological theory of crime causation

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