Spain and mexico war -

Spain and mexico war Video

The Mexican War of Independence spain and mexico war Spain and mexico war

During the Spanish-American War, the Army faced the entirely new challenge of transporting a force over a body of water, a challenge that was to come to define American military power projection during the following century.

spain and mexico war

After spending the 19th century dealing with internal continental challenges - confirming its independence from Britain, civil war, and westward expansion - the United States mades its apperance on the world stage. During the Revolutionary War General Spain and mexico war Washington used animal-driven transportation to move American and French forces from the Hudson Valley to Yorktown, more than miles away.

So important was transportation in the American Revolution that Washington advised Congress to establish the position of Wagonmaster General to provide the Army's essential mobility. With the Civil War came the extensive use of the military railway service in moving click to battle.

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The Army's only previous large-scale ocean movement had been during the Mexican War in The decisive campaign of the Mexican War was Winfield Scott's overland offensive designed to capture Mexico City and end Mexican resistance. In one of the great achievements in US military history, Winfield Scott's forces staged an amphibious landing at Vera Spain and mexico war that captured the port on 9 March The Mexican commander chose not to oppose the landing, so over 8, men were landed without a single loss in just over 4 hours. This was an unprecedented military achievement for the time.

spain and mexico war

Following a brief siege, Vera Cruz see more on 29 March The Regular Army on spain and mexico war eve of the war had only 28, soldiers. Once war was link, there was an enthusiastic rush of men to enlist. By the end of May, enlisted men had been mustered into service. By the end of the war in Augustthe Army hadsoldiers on duty, including 58, in the Regular Army andvolunteers. But no one in the Army was experienced in large overseas movements.

The military's lack of experience in this type of operation proved to be a more serious obstacle than the Spanish Army. Congress was opposed to granting U. By 1 July, the Quartermaster Department had chartered 43 transports, 4 water boats, 3 steam lighters, 2 ocean tugs, and 3 decked barges for Cuba; another 14 transports were chartered on the Pacific coast for the Philippines expeditions. More were chartered in July and August.

When enough vessels could not be chartered, the Army purchased 14 steamships and quickly outfitted them to carry troops to Cuba and Puerto Rico. Even the spain and mexico war short move to Cuba required the creation of a port of embarkation, coordinated movements of troops and supplies to the port, and placement of units on ships. The War Department selected Tampa as the port of embarkation, despite limited rail lines.

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Failure to establish priorities on shipments or to ensure that shipments annd labeled properly compounded the transportation problems. Unloaded rail cars filled the sidings from Tampa to Columbia, South Carolina, and important shipments were detained while unnecessary supplies spain and mexico war unloaded. Between 18 May and 31 August, the depot at Tampa handled read more, carloads of supplies and equipment, as well as railcars transporting 66, soldiers with baggage and over 15, animals. Spanish Adm. Cervera's fleet had taken refuge 29 May in Santiago Bay, and the American Navy had asked the Army to reduce the defenses guarding the entrance.

The War Department, eager to get the Army into action, directed Maj. William R. Shafter to embark his loosely organized V Corps, which had been assembled around Tampa, and nexico for Cuba. The expedition for Cuba was reduced to utter chaos as uncontrolled units rolled down the single-track railway to become hopelessly entangled at the ill-equipped port of embarkation at Tampa.

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After many delays, and in an atmosphere of the utmost confusion, the embarkation of some 17, men began on 11 Junespain and mexico war four days. Those who remained on the ships that rode at anchor in the harbor until 13 June suffered because of the heat and poor ventilation, uniforms not designed for extremely hot weather, a monotonous travel ration, and an inadequate water supply. Although Shafter allowed the men off the ships in detachments for exercise, they were not permitted to remain on shore because no satisfactory campsite could be found near the harbor. By the time the Cuban expedition sailed from Tampa on 14 June, it was loaded aboard 38 vessels and accompanied by Navy ships.]

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