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Speak softly and carry Video


Speak softly and carry - excellent

May 7, March 25, June 3, July 25, June 22, March 13, February 18, April 19, May 19, Speak softly and carry speak softly and carry

Add to list. All rights reserved. All parts of this book may be used without xarry of the author. The reader in no way needs to contact the author to be given the right to use portions of this book. The author in no way needs to provide written confirmation for you speak softly and carry reader to take one literary work or another and adapt them as you see fit.

speak softly and carry

Rather if the reader wishes to expand or add to any portion of the work that is their right, or if the reader wishes to speak softly and carry elements of the work as they see fit that is also their right. In other words, to an extent, the book is theirs if they wish to use it. Sometimes in his voyage a world comes near, age slows down and he imagines people there, outside his cage.

Nova blazes by him, burning blackness, skin of night afire, luminescent trails brushing past him.

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Coffin slows again. Sun comes to view, grows larger still. He is finally coming home he knows. Upon the shores of his ancient home he rests his head, he knows, he knows, it is the shores of his ancient home. And he is alone. If we linger here we die yet cannot leave.

speak softly and carry

If we leave we die. We die even as we are forced read more live. We like daylight fade away. Problem is sometimes one expects to be a monster for a little while, not knowing one is twisted into this new shape since all things stand. Might as well die warm as cold. Would it do to put bullets in my gun? Might as well die armed as speak softly and carry to innocent I suppose. But world was carved up before we were conceived and empires, how many did they kill before we came? Nature takes pains to demonstrate irony of children playing war when soldiers come home, broken as dolls. Is not callous, is indifferent. Sadly no man so noble. War is death delayed. Wings etched on graves they are so bitter. FADING Serpent struck at shadow of my foot, would have missed had I not placed it there, let my foot be impaled because I am a shadow, fading into speak softly and carry despair.

How many bones rooted like blackened trees, like slaves running into burning fields to stop the flames lest master yield a worse punishment even then the flames? FULL Carcass of the bull we sacrificed til gods are lulled to sleep and we can feast on gods til we are full.

Knives collapse on their skin if struck. It is always so. We can do nothing in that country of theirs, we are like daggers rusted black as their smiling eyes gaze back.]

speak softly and carry

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