St rose of lima symbols -

St rose of lima symbols - healthy!

Already as a child Rosa was possessed with the veneration of religion, as a young adult she lived in absolute adoration of God. Rosa filled her day with praying, hard work, self-torture and helping sick and poor people in her community. Years of self-martyrdom ended in her death aged only She became the first Saint of the New World. Although baptized Isabel, her mother called her 'Rosa' since her childhood, because of her looks and the color of her cheeks. The family Flores de Oliva moved there because father Gaspar was appointed as administrator of the mine. Already as a child Rosa was possessed with the veneration of every aspect of religion and spent hours staring at an image of the 'Madonna with her Child'. st rose of lima symbols

St rose of lima symbols Video

St. Rose of Lima - Did you Know

Silver rosary ring of the miraculous medal. Sold per 25 pcs only.

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