Stroop effect studies -

Stroop effect studies - recommend

References More information on each section is located below Just like the mini lab report, you will participate in the online experiment so you know what the experiment is like. You will write the report as if you were the researcher conducting the experiment. You have some options in your research question for this project. The data you are given includes the gender and age of the participants as well as two columns of results data reading the words and saying the colors. You can choose one independent variable, either gender or age. You should try to use as much of your data as possible. Do not discard data unless there is a really good reason to do so. stroop effect studies.

Stroop effect studies Video

Brain Games- Stroop Effect

These data demonstrate that a single PBC session enhances the cognitive inhibition performance on a Stroop task in males, partly mediated by a greater parasympathetic cardiac control and greater cerebral oxygenation. The effects of PBC on cognitive function seem different in females, possibly explained by a different sensitivity to cold stimulation.

stroop effect studies

Subject terms: Neurophysiology, Physiology Go to: Introduction The therapeutic effects of cold have been known for a very long time. Hippocrates — BC already recommended the use of local cold application through ice and snow to relieve pain.


In contemporary times, winter swimming regularly takes place in the form of bath in ice-cold water in certain countries 1. Nowadays, local and systemic cold applications using various cryostimulation techniques e. In sports medicine, the use of whole- or partial-body cryostimulation WBC or PBC, exposition of the whole body or the whole body except the head, respectively, to a very cold air has gained popularity click the following article its systemic effects on the organism, in particular to accelerate the post-exercise recovery process. For example, WBC and PBC were shown to reduce muscle pain sensations 56reduce inflammation 7 — 9improve sleep 1011and possibly enhance recovery through an increased activation of the parasympathetic tone of the autonomic nervous system 1012 — 15 and muscle tissue stroop effect studies However, despite the plethora of studies conducted in the last decade, the physiological underpinning of PBC and WBC stroop effect studies not well known, and in particular its effects on the central nervous system and most particularly on cognitive function.

Cognitive function refers to mental processes taking stroop effect studies in the acquisition and treatment of external information These mental processes are various and include functions such as memory, attention, and executive functions Good cognitive functioning is essential in daily life activities and processes such as executive function, which classically refers to inhibition, working memory, and cognitive flexibility allowing the realization of complex cognitive tasks Cognitive processes also play a major role in physical performance.

stroop effect studies

Executive functions, mainly under the control of the prefrontal cortex, are affected by several physiological mechanisms such as neuroendocrine responses and oxygen availability. Based on the neurovisceral integration model, heart rate variability HRV and executive functions are linked through the prefrontal neural function 2021while the vagal related control of the myocardium is related to the prefrontal cortex activity Previous stroop effect studies evaluating the link between cardiac parasympathetic activation measured through HRV indicesand performance of executive functions, revealed that a higher vagal tone was associated with better executive functioning 23 On the contrary, decreased HRV indices of parasympathetic activation and increased sympathetic activation were linked to reduced performances of executive functions Moreover, increases in HRV of cardiac vagal control following aerobic exercise training were associated with enhanced performances of inhibition Brain oxygen availability also plays a major role in cognitive performance and increased cerebral oxygenation seems to be related to better executive function 27 — On the contrary, decreased cerebral oxygen availability as shown in different experimental conditions i.

The influence of short-term cold exposure on human brain functioning and cognitive functions has stroop effect studies received much attention.

Stroop Effect Research Report

Amongst the few studies conducted so far, a decrease in core body temperature following body exposure to cold would have a detrimental effect on stroop effect studies performance 1832 — 34 including executive functions This detrimental effect would be explained by the distraction theory according to which the cold stimuli may interfere with the continue reading that should be put to the completion of a given cognitive task 6.

The shorter exposure times and more extreme cold stimuli proposed in WBC and PBC systems expose people to a potential other range of physiological stress, which effects on cognitive function and performance are unknown.

stroop effect studies

To date, only Patil et al.]

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