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Sean Connery set the standard back in the s. Daniel Craig brought into the 21st century. Here's how their Bond movies, and those with the other Bonds, stack up.

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Not stirred: This lineup at the Madame Tussauds wax museum in Berlin presents all the actors who've played James Bond in the legendary Eon Productions movies. The James Bond movie franchise is a force to be reckoned with, boulwvard up 26 films to date 24 canonical, plus two rogues. Over the course of six decades, it's delivered both gems and clunkers. We've still sunset boulevard movie online a ways to go before we can see how the next Bond movieNo Time to Diestacks up against all the others.

25. The Man With the Golden Gun

That film, the final one to star Daniel Craig ashas been pushed back more than once by coronavirus concerns, and now source scheduled to hit theaters on Oct. Sunset boulevard movie online you're waiting for No Time to Die -- and humming its theme song, which in March scored a Grammy for Billie Eilish and Finneas -- you can satisfy your Bond cravings by revisiting the older moviesfrom Sean Connery 's debut in Dr. No all the way to Craig's most recent outing, Spectre. It'll be a fun look back, seeing how Eon Productions made Bond an emblem of the times, an avatar of style and a man of many gadgetswith six different actors taking their turn in the lead role.

Take note: The new Paramount Plus service will stream all the Bond films starting later this spring, and it'll have dibs on No Time to Die after its theatrical release and a run on Epix. Entertain your brain with the coolest news from streaming to superheroes, memes to video games. If you're sunset boulevard movie online sure where to start, check out our recommendations and full rundown on big-screen Bond.

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With the recent of Connery at 90you might be inclined to start out with one of his seven turns as You could maybe also play a vintage Bond video gameor ponder the upcoming "Project " from IO Interactive. Or you can also take a run through the ranking below of James Bond movies, from worst to best.

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It's not arbitrary or one person's whim -- it's based on an aggregate of boulevsrd reviewsspecific to when the movies came out, as compiled by Metacritic. The list accounts for every theatrical release, so not just the two dozen from Eon Productions starting back in with Sean Connery in Dr. No, but also two noncanonical entries sunset boulevard movie online the version of Casino Royale, a trippy turn with multiple actors playing Bond David Niven chief among them click, and 's Never Say Never Again, with Connery in his second comeback. Don't go looking for the version of Casino Royale, though.

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That was a total outlier -- a minute TV playhouse production that introduced Ian Fleming's hero to the world as "Jimmy" Bond, an American secret agent. You can find that on YouTube, if sunset boulevard movie online curious. According to the critical consensus, Roger Moore isn't just the star of the worst James Bond movie -- this snowboarding entry -- he's the star of the worst James Bond movies, period. When combined and averaged, his films produce a franchise-low Metascore of A View to a Kill was Moore's seventh and final movie. The plot that Bond has to foil: Zorin's scheme to destroy Silicon Valley so he can control the market for computer chips. Metascore: ]

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