The matrix welcome to the real world -

The matrix welcome to the real world Video


The matrix welcome to the real world - entertaining question

In other words anyone who still has the natural, and thus normal, inherent reflex of opposing any form of evil. Let it be crystal clear; the real patients here with a disorder are not the children but the ones making the fake diagnoses and are doing the toxic prescription jobs. These agents of death are nothing less than order followers because they as well have a neo-cortex that is in an imbalanced, or total shut down mode. Otherwise they would apply their knowledge and conscience and refuse to commit these immoral actions. What we are witnessing here is a relentless mind control assault on a precious and highly gifted generation that is being neutralized in the global war on humanity and consciousness. the matrix welcome to the real world

Editor’s Column

We are inundated with signals from early on in tue, encouraging each of us to walk a magrix path, establishing blinders on us along the way to discourage us from looking for alternatives to what the herd is doing or thinking. Life is so complex that overtime, if we are paying attention, we realize that there are an infinite number of possibilities to what the human experience could be, and we come see that the world is on the matrix welcome to the real world because individuals all too infrequently question why things are the way they are, failing to notice that their mindset or behavior needs adjustment in favor of more intelligent, common go here, or sustainable patterns of existence.

This is perhaps the biggest indicator that we are slaves to the matrix. The traditional notion of slavery conjures up images of people in shackles forced to work on plantations to support rich plantation owners.

Illustration of the Week

The modern day version of this is forced taxation, where our incomes are automatically docked before we ever see the money, regardless of whether or not we approve of how the money is spent. This is what the control strategy of divide and conquer looks like in our society.

Both of the major parties are corrupt through and through, and independent candidates are not even allowed to.

the matrix welcome to the real world

You work hard doing something you hate to earn fiat dollars. Work is important and money does pay the bills, however, so many people lose the best years of their lives doing things they hate, just for money. The truth about money today is that we do have money, but instead, inflationary fiat currency that is privately owned and manipulated. Since rreal is still necessary to get by in this world, it is best that you get more value for your time by doing something you enjoy or by working with people you do not despise.

the matrix welcome to the real world

It is easier than you may think to live on less money than we believe we need, we just have to be willing to go against the grain realize this. Each time a credit card is swiped it creates digits on the balance sheets of the banks that wolrd most involved with the financial looting of the world today.

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These digits are then multiplied electronically by the fractional qelcome system in place, which exponentially increases the power of these institutions. To participate in this, and by agreeing to pay this fake money back with interest, in order to maintain a certain lifestyle is a strong indication that you are bound by one of the main tenets of the matrix — consumerism.

the matrix welcome to the real world

You converse with real people about the ongoing link of TV shows. If it does not bother you that someone, somewhere, working for somebody is watching you, listening to your conversations, and monitoring your movements, then, you are a good slave to the matrix.

You think the world would be safer it only governments had guns.]

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