Torture human rights violation -

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Torture human rights violation - really. consider

The government has tortured hundreds of mostly peaceful protestors and arrested tens of thousands. Violations are committed with impunity and human rights defenders are increasingly targeted. This is contrary to the recommendations that the United Nations Committee against Torture UNCAT made to Belarus in asking that 1 the government carry out effective investigations into allegations of torture 2 all detainees are afforded fundamental legal safeguards and 3 the government desist from detaining and prosecuting human rights defenders. torture human rights violation

Torture human rights violation - commit

State Dept blacklists two Iranian officials over human rights violations Reuters 2 minutes read The U. State Department on Tuesday blacklisted two Iranian government interrogators, accusing them of torture and other human rights violations, in what appeared to be the first such action against Tehran under the Biden administration. The Biden administration chose to take the action despite its efforts to coax Iran into negotiations over the Iran nuclear deal that former President Donald Trump withdrew from in , dramatically increasing tensions with Tehran. The move bars Ali Hemmatian and Masoud Safdari, as well as their immediate family members, from entering the United States. State Department spokesman Ned Price said at a news briefing that the United States can both pursue its interests in barring Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon while also making clear that there will be consequences for violations of human rights. Biden's administration has said it is ready to talk to Iran about both nations resuming compliance with the nuclear deal, but the parties cannot agree who should make the first move. Iran says the United States must lift sanctions, while Washington says Tehran must first return to compliance with the deal, which Iran has been progressively breaching since

Torture human rights violation Video

Saturday night fever,they torture, human rights violation, no justice on my parents or government je

Further information: Indian Army operations in Jammu and Kashmir Thousands of Kashmiris have been reported to be killed by Indian security forces in custody, extrajudicial executions and enforced disappearances and these human right violations are said to be carried out by Indian security forces under total impunity.

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International NGOs, violationn well as the US State Department, have documented human rights abuses including disappearances, torture, and arbitrary executions carried out during India's counter-terrorism operations. He acknowledged that there may have been some instances of young boys taking up arms to defend themselves under attack, torture human rights violation that there was "no policy to encourage young boys to become members of the Village Defence Committees. These detainees weren't Islamic insurgents or Pakistani-backed insurgents but civilians, in contrast to India's continual allegations of Pakistani involvement.

The detainees were "connected to or believed to have information about the insurgents". According to ICRC, of the detainees whom it interviewed claimed torture. US officials have been quoted reporting "terrorism investigations and court torture human rights violation tend to rely upon confessions, many of which are obtained under duress if not beatings, threats, or in some cases torture.

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The group argues that the law, which allows security to detain individuals for as many as two years "without presenting charges, violating prisoners' human rights". Singh rejected torture human rights violation accusations that the action was not taken in the cases of human rights violations by Army personnel. On uuman Octoberhe has said that Army personnel had been punished in Jammu and Kashmir in this regard, including 39 officers.

Going into details, he said: 'sinceallegations against the Army personnel were received in Jammu and Kashmir.

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Out of these, cases were investigated in which were found to be untrue, accounting for Vuolation, he said that the state politicians of Jammu and Kashmir are funded by an Army secret service to keep the general public at calm and this activity is there since the partition. Major hospitals in Kashmir have carnage online crackdowns and army men have even entered the operation theatres in search of insurgents.

Amnesty International reported that at least 51 people died and were wounded on that day. A volunteer force, mainly comprising police officers and policemen from the Jammu and Kashmir Police. Some of them include: Gawakadal massacre : On 21 January51 civilians torture human rights violation killed by CRPF troopers during protests against earlier raids in which wanton arrests and molestation of women were conducted by CRPF troops.

Many people were injured.

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The killers were not punished. Survivors say that the soldiers carried out the massacre to punish people for observing shutdown on 26 January. It also asserts that the security personnel are Kashmiris and "even surrendered militants". The major was subsequently suspended and a senior soldier transferred from his post. This is often in association with torture torture human rights violation extrajudicial killing. Eights extent of male disappearances has been so large that a new term " half-widows " has been created for their wives who end up with no information of their husbands' whereabouts.]

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