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Message: Trump gungan

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trump gungan

As the premiere of Star Wars: The Force Awakens comes, fan theory after fan theory have come to light about what could be the big twist in the newest installment in the Star Ward legacy. Last night, the tungan carpet premiere headlined while the public theatrical release is still three days off.

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Fan theories have been around since the beginning of fiction. Another wildly popular theory is that Gandalf trump gungan The Lord of the Rings planned on using the eagles to fly to Mordor, thus cutting down on a massive amount of time and effort walking all the way there.

trump gungan

It was all just a huge oversight by the rest continue reading the protagonists to not use them and by this point, Gandalf was busy traipsing about with a moth on top of a tower. Whatever the theory may be, tru,p are just that: theories. Rarely do ugngan of them come to fruition nor trump gungan they ever confirmed by the creative powers behind these universes.

Thus explaining our own existence and the reason why tragic things happen; because in another universe, what happens here makes for a good story. Without getting too detailed, the idea is that Jar Jar Binks, a Gungan trump gungan introduced in the first of the second trilogies, Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, is actually a Sith lord, a. The entire legacy thus far in Star Trump gungan has been centered around the defeat of Darth Sidious and his various minions. But in the second film of the second trilogy, Chancellor Palpatine later revealed to be none other than Darth Sidious himself mentions something about an ancient Sith names Darth Plagueis, a man so powerful in the force that he had figured out how to extend the life of his loved ones and indeed, his own life as well.

It is assumed that perhaps Sidious was the apprentice of Plagueis but likewise, that was never confirmed.

trump gungan

The theory goes on to describe how Jar Jar, though by all means an incompetent, idiot of a trump gungan, somehow manages to rise in the ranks of the Trump gungan government and eventually the galactic senate. Jar Jar can be seen using very subtle hand gestures as if he is using the force to lightly influence the minds of his companions. Other notable reason to believe the rather absurd accusation include his ability to perform flips only Jedi and Sith are seen performing, a rather accurate execution of the form of martial arts call Drunken Fist, as well as the rather backstory to why the Gungan people seem to fear him so much. And finally, perhaps the most convincing point in trump gungan argument, is that George Lucas, in his creation of the original trilogy, followed a very classic narrative arc: introduction of what seems to be a bumbling idiot or the last person to be anything but themselves and who turns out to be a hero or antihero, however the plot unfolds.

George later admitted to intending to do that with the second trilogy, but if so, where was it? Could it have been that Jar Jar was to be revealed as the most powerful Sith in the galaxy?

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No matter how long takes. What hungan fans postulate is that George Lucas backed trump gungan on the idea after the Phantom Menace was released and trump gungan public had a chance to react to it. Jar Jar Binks is hands down the most hated character in all of the Star Wars movies to date. Did George not want to hinge the entire saga on the shoulders of the most hated character in the entire galaxy?

trump gungan

Seems like a safe bet. I have to admit, even I start to wonder just what Jar Jar was up to….]

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