Alcohol causing depression -

Alcohol causing depression alcohol causing depression

Scientific Research An Academic Publisher.

alcohol causing depression

alcohol causing depression Substance use among young people is both a clinical and public health issue. It is usually associated with academic, psychological, social, behavioral as well as physical problems. Consumption of licit and illicit drugs has increased in around the world, including Nigeria. People use substances for various reasons. College period can and should be an exciting and enriching experience. One critical element to consider is the alcohol and other drug culture of a campus. Far too often, alcohol and other drug abuse result in tragedy [1]. Among all populations, college students are one of the groups in danger of substance abuse [2].

Additional fact about detox:

College is a critical period that young people can commence the use of substances. Reasons include academic pressure, unlimited freedom, peer groups and easy access to common substances like alcohol and cigarette. Substance use often progresses to a disorder and has contributed to poor performance among students. Although the majority of college students avoid the unsafe use of alcohol and other drugs, they are still likely to suffer the consequences deprsesion the high-risk behaviors of their peers [1]. College students alcohol causing depression problems when other colleagues are high on drugs. They have to deal with interruption of their studies and sleep, have to take care of a drunken colleague, insulted or humiliated, have serious arguments or quarrel, or even be pushed, hit or assaulted [3].

alcohol causing depression

Alcohol and other drug abuse are a factor in the majority of accidents, injuries, vandalism, and crime on college campuses and is link a key factor when students encounter problems with their course work [3] [4]. A substance abuser is 18 times more likely to be involved in criminal activity than someone in the general population deprdssion.

alcohol causing depression

Alcohol use is a major risk factor for mortality and morbidity, playing a role in more than diseases and injury outcomes [6]. Alcohol causing depression who engage in high-risk drinking and other drug use are not just harming themselves but also those around them, and not just occasionally but with truly disturbing frequency [7]. Alcohol is strongly associated with both intentional and unintentional injury [5]. Smoking also is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths and introduced as one of the main risk factors to the development of different types of diseases around the world, especially in relation to non-contagious diseases like cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, cancer and stroke [8] [9].

Ketamine is alcohol causing depression as a liquid which can be injected; as a white or off-white powder, which is snorted or dissolved in water and drank; or as a pill. It can be snorted or added to cannabis or cigarettes. It has been used as a date rape drug because it is odorless and colorless and is not by the victim in a beverage, often rendering its victim completely helpless [10].

The rate of drug abuse and alcohol use among high school students and university students remains unacceptably high. Studies in United States indicate Prevalence of substance abuse among Iranian college students was reported between 4. Lifetime prevalence rate of any substance use among college students in western Kenya was The most commonly used substances were alcohol Hand washing essay, cigarette smoking is common among the youths. Student Tobacco use rates are even higher than the corresponding rates in adults in many countries [5].

Most regular smokers initiate smoking before 20 years of age. The factors increasing youth tobacco initiation may vary across countries, but some common factors are: tobacco use by parents or peers; exposure to tobacco advertising; acceptability of tobacco use among peers or in social norms; advertisement in movies or tobacco commercials; having depression, anxiety, or stress; and higher accessibility and lower prices of tobacco products [17]. For some substances, alcohol causing depression as tobacco, effects are caused by long-term use.

Aripiprazole for Bipolar Disorder and Alcohol Use Disorder

For other drugs, a single use can cause significant disease. In addition depgession their direct effects on health, drugs produce other indirect effects. Many drugs lessen inhibitions and increase the likelihood that a will participate in risky behavior. People take drugs because they want to change something about their lives.]

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