Are humans naturally good or evil -

Are humans naturally good or evil are humans naturally good or evil

From the moment you were born, good and evil did not matter to you. As a child, your journey was not determined yet. People develop their own perceptions of what is right and wrong, as they grow up, through their experiences. What a person sees as evil and wrong could be natjrally than how others view it. A person cannot rightfully understand what it means to be good unless they can avoid evil.

are humans naturally good or evil

To truly avoid being evil, one must learn to stay true to their ideals, goals, and relationships. The journey to good starts with the choices that will shape you for the rest of your life. An image of a new-born baby can be used as a symbol to represent good things such as: the untouched, purity, and innocence. Such description is titled under a new-born because when a baby is born, its sensory motors are heightened due to the incapability of click. As from what I remembered, the inability of sight can also possibly symbolize another aspect of purity in a way where one is not able to see the impurities of another. A new-born child can also be represented as innocence. Once a baby is born, people keep babies indoors and out of harm and danger.

A baby also can are humans naturally good or evil an awareness of the purity and innocence being able to be easily broken, because of the fragility of an infant.

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Therefore, a new-born baby can generally symbolize purity, innocence, and untouched; however, it can also emphasize the fragility of the nature of good in such a way where if a single influence is displayed, one can easily learn and assimilate rapidly and change. With the society in which we live in today, the mass media plays a big role upon how an individual thinks, dresses, and acts.


are humans naturally good or evil

The media industry has become overpopulated by the dominance of men, thus demeaning women into several bad images. Women today are represented as sex symbols in music are humans naturally good or evil. Such dramatically terrible actions advertise bad images for the younger generation, encouraging them to become beautiful like one of the models natyrally television. In regards to commercialism, there are many advertisements that encourage the society to allow children to become obese. We as a society are feeding our children with unhealthy foods due to the high rates of poverty. In relation to poverty, it is one of the reasons why there are criminals who steal to survive.

All of these industries believe that they are doing justice to the economy and the people for example, to make people look or dress better, etc ; however, in reality the products they are advertising are unhealthy for the public. We, as a humanw public, are solely attracted to what looks appealing, and are not really drawn to what it really does for you.

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This emphasizes the corruption of the society, thus revealing the nature of evil. And we are selfish because we refuse to understand such things. For naturall, when it comes to advertising, the industries advertise products for popularity and for more money without really caring about the outcomes of the public. They are humans naturally good or evil ignorant of the outcomes the public. Camus explains that it is impossible for one to remain good, notes antigone an individual is evil; he or she has no representation of consciousness or guilt because he or she is only thinking about themselves.

The nature of evil is thus, represented as the ignorance and selfishness of the people. It is said in Asian cultures that the good balances evil and vice versa and that one cannot do alone without the other.

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Yin is like the moon, and Yang is like the sun. Without each other, one would not exist. To paraphrase everything, the good becomes corrupted by the evil.]

One thought on “Are humans naturally good or evil

  1. It is good idea. I support you.

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