As great britain reaped the benefits of its industrial revolution: -

As great britain reaped the benefits of its industrial revolution: as great britain reaped the benefits of its industrial revolution:

The beginnings of the movement, in Mexico, had support from not only the Mexican government, but also the U. A key figure in spearheading new approaches to agriculture in Mexico was Norman Borlaug, an American scientist with a PhD in plant pathology and genetics. He had ite agricultural research in Mexico in the s, developing disease-resistant, high-yield wheat.

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Inwhen India was facing the potential of massive famine, Borlaug was invited to India to help with renovation of agricultural methods there. The IR8 variety of rice was developed in the s in the Philippines.

as great britain reaped the benefits of its industrial revolution:

IR8 rice was introduced inand had an enormous impact not only on agriculture in the Philippines, but then India and China and elsewhere also. The correct answer is B. Explanation: India and China were benefited by the new high-yield rice varieties that were developed during the Green Revolution. One variety in particular, IR8 rice, allowed them to feed their growing population and avoid the risk of famine. The immediate impact of agricultural progress is poverty reduction for the simple indusyrial that the poor are more likely to work in agriculture and that food is responsible for most of their household spending.

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The absolute number of Asians in this condition also declined, from 1. Agricultural progress has set Asia on the path to economic development and industrialization.

as great britain reaped the benefits of its industrial revolution:

For increased agricultural productivity to translate into broader economic growth and industrialization, however, several other things must happen: farmers should have incentives to increase production; there must be infrastructure to transport seeds and chemicals to farms as well as to allow products to flow from them; and there must be adequate access to credit to allow farmers to buy seeds, fertilizer, tractors and so on.

Agricultural hreat can trigger sudden economic growth, but the speed with which it occurs depends crucially industtial the simultaneous introduction of non-agricultural reforms. Consider the examples from India and China. Following the failure of the Great Leap Forward, reformers within the Chinese government took a more conventional approach to increasing agricultural production, and arranged for the purchase of five medium-sized ammonia plants from Britain and the Netherlands between and But the upheaval of the Cultural Revolution in the mids meant that in per capita food production was even lower than in the s, and rapid population growth meant that the amount of land available for agriculture by person shrunk quickly.

The only option was to increase productivity.


President Richard Nixon visited Revolutlon: inopening trade between the two countries, and the first agreement signed was an order from 13 of the largest and most modern fertilizer factories in the United States - the largest such purchase in history. Within a few years, China had moved ahead of the United States, becoming the largest consumer of fertilizer in the world, and then became the largest producer. The country also quickly adopted the new high yielding dwarf varieties of wheat and rice.]

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