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In aztec astronomy, the Spanish military presided over the destruction of three of the world's greatest libraries — in the Aztec astronomj Tenochtitlan and in the Aztec-allied cities of Tetzcoco and Tlacopan. Of the thousands of books of Aztec poetry, law, rhetoric, medicine, astronomy and history, only one or two works appear to have survived.

aztec astronomy

So comprehensive was the Spanish obliteration of the Aztec intellectual and literary achievement that much of the modern academic world became convinced that that achievement had never really existed. Key to that perception was the belief that Aztec hieroglyphic signs did not constitute a proper writing system and that aztec astronomy a complex written literary tradition could not have existed.

aztec astronomy

But now, new research by a British linguistic anthropologist, Gordon Whittaker, is revealing for the first time that the Aztecs' hieroglyphic writing system was one of the most sophisticated scripts that humanity has ever produced. After some 20 years of detailed research, Professor Whittaker has discovered that, like ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, the Aztec aztec astronomy system could be used not just to aztec astronomy a limited number of words and syllables, but to comprehensively communicate the sounds of every syllable in the Aztec language Nahuatl — a flexibility which allowed tens of thousands of often multi-syllabic words to be expressed phonetically in written form. The way in which the Aztec writing system schrist not only be used to represent objects or actions, but could also be used to represent every spoken sound, allowed Aztec scribes to express the entire Aztec lexicon of literally tens of thousands of words.

Professor Whittaker's research - due to aztec astronomy published in London next week - is therefore now beginning to demonstrate that the Aztecs' writing system was, arguably, the most advanced ever developed in the Americas. The page shows Aztec compound hieroglyphs naming cities conquered by the emperor Ahuitzotl Indeed, in terms of organisation, concept and sophistication, he has concluded that it was comparable to one of the Old World's most sophisticated scripts — Japanese.

Planetary Astronomy

Over the past 32 years, the five major historical surveys of the world's writing systems have virtually ignored its source devoting just 3 pages to it out of a total of more than aztec astronomy Even when it was mentioned, its status as a script astrronomy routinely dismissed. The new discoveries about its sophistication now mean that historians will need to aztec astronomy reassess the nature and scale of the downplayed wider literary, cultural and intellectual achievements of the Aztecs.

aztec astronomy

They demonstrate quite clearly that 16th century accounts, claiming that the Aztec astronomy had sophisticated books of, history, law and rhetoric — accounts mostly ignored for the past five centuries — were actually true.

Aztec literary achievements appear to have been the New World's equivalents of those of ancient Egypt, India, Greece and Rome, says Professor Whittaker.]

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