Biological factors of mood disorders -

Biological factors of mood disorders - opinion

However, some people do not even realize that they are suffering from depression, even though it is obvious to others. My focus will be major depression, a continuous feeling. For example, depression can cause an individual to have negative thoughts, experience chronic distress, and hopelessness Pourbabaee, n. Researchers focus on two causes of depression. Those who support the cognitive-behavioral perspective believe depression results from faulty thinking associated with low self-esteem or learned helplessness, as well as environmental influences such as the loss. It considers those factors as interdependent and equally important Toates, , p This essay will evaluate this model ability to understand depression and anxiety, addiction, and dementia, and will show that in some cases of mental problems, the biopsychosocial perspective is not the appropriate. Those who suffer experience negative emotions, lack of motivation, changes in behaviour and dysfunctional cognitive symptoms. Depression is classified by the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders Fifth Edition DSM-5 as five of more of the listed symptoms present persistently over the same two weeks. biological factors of mood disorders.

Were: Biological factors of mood disorders

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Biological basis of depression - Behavior - MCAT - Khan Academy Biological factors of mood disorders

Biological factors of mood disorders - and

Dysthymia — also known as persistent depressive disorder, chronic depression, or dysthymic disorder — is a long-lasting form of clinical depression. It often lasts for several years at a time, with symptoms coming and going, changing from day to day and week to week. With changes to lifestyle and a strong understanding of what helps you personally cope with dysthymia,. Dysthymia — also known as a dysthymic disorder or persistent depressive disorder — is a type of depression that is continuous and long-lasting chronic. Dysthymia often starts in childhood, adolescence, or early adulthood and can last for years at a time.

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Mood disorders depression, bipolar disorders are prevalent and disabling. They are also highly co-morbid with other psychiatric disorders. Currently there are no objective measures, biological factors of mood disorders as blood tests, used in clinical practice, and available treatments do not work in everybody. The development of blood tests, as well as matching of patients with existing and new treatments, in a precise, personalized and preventive fashion, would make a significant difference at an individual and societal level.

Early pilot studies biological factors of mood disorders us to discover blood biomarkers for mood state were promising [ 1 ], and validated by others [ 2 ]. Recent work by us has identified blood gene expression biomarkers that track suicidality, a tragic behavioral outcome of mood disorders, using powerful longitudinal within-subject designs, validated them in suicide completers, and tested them in independent cohorts for ability to assess state suicidal ideationand ability to predict trait future hospitalizations for suicidality [ 3456 ].

biological factors of mood disorders

These studies showed good reproducibility with subsequent independent genetic studies [ 7 ]. We endeavored to use a similar comprehensive approach to identify more definitive biomarkers for mood disorders, that are transdiagnostic, by studying mood in psychiatric disorders patients. First, we used biological factors of mood disorders longitudinal within-subject design and whole-genome gene expression approach to discover here which track mood state in subjects who had diametric changes in mood state from low to high, from visit to visit, as measured by a simple visual analog scale that we had previously developed SMS Second, we prioritized these biomarkers using a convergent functional genomics CFG approach encompassing in a comprehensive fashion prior published evidence in the field.

Adding the scores from the first three steps into an overall convergent functional evidence CFE score, we ended up with 26 top candidate blood gene expression biomarkers that had a CFE score as good as or better than SLC6A4, an empirical finding which we used as a de facto positive control and cutoff. Notably, there was among them an enrichment in genes involved in circadian mechanisms.

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We further analyzed the biological pathways and networks for the top candidate biomarkers, showing that circadian, neurotrophic, and cell differentiation functions are involved, along with serotonergic and glutamatergic signaling, supporting a view of mood as reflecting energy, activity and growth. Fourth, we tested in independent cohorts of psychiatric patients the ability of each of these 26 top candidate biomarkers to assess state mood SMS-7depression HAMDmania YMRSand to predict clinical course future hospitalizations for depression, future hospitalizations for mania.

biological factors of mood disorders

We conducted our analyses across all patients, as well as personalized by gender and diagnosis, showing increased accuracy with the personalized approach, particularly in women. Of them, six had the strongest overall evidence for tracking and predicting both depression and mania, hence bipolar mood disorders.

The Root Cause of Depression: Biological, Cognitive-Behavioral, or Both?

These panels of biomarkers have practical implications for distinguishing between depression and bipolar disorder. Next, we evaluated the evidence for our top biomarkers being targets of existing psychiatric drugs, which permits matching patients to medications in a targeted fashion, and the measuring of response to treatment.

biological factors of mood disorders

Top drugs of interest as potential new antidepressants were pindolol, ciprofibrate, pioglitazone and adiphenine, as well biological factors of mood disorders the natural compounds asiaticoside and chlorogenic acid. The last 3 had also been identified by our previous suicidality studies. Finally, we provide an example of how a report to doctors would look for a patient with depression, based on the panel of top biomarkers 12 for depression and bipolar, one for maniawith an objective biologicak score, risk for future depression, and risk for bipolar switching, as well as personalized lists of targeted prioritized existing psychiatric medications and new potential medications.

Overall, our studies provide objective assessments, targeted therapeutics, and monitoring of response to treatment, that enable precision medicine for mood disorders.]

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