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Background[ edit ] As jet planes flew higher and faster in the s, the Air Force became increasingly worried about the safety of flight crews who had to eject at high altitude. Tests in Operation High Dive with dummies had shown that a body in free-fall at high altitude would often go into a flat spin at a rate of up to revolutions per minute about 3. This would be potentially fatal. Project Excelsior was initiated in to design a parachute system that would allow a safe, controlled descent after a high-altitude ejection. This consisted of a small 6 ft 2 m diameter stabilizer or "drogue" parachute, designed to prevent uncontrolled spinning at high altitudes, and a 28 ft 8. The system included timers and altitude sensors that would automatically deploy both parachutes at the correct points in the descent, even if the parachutist were unconscious or disabled. To test the parachute system, staff at Wright Field built a ft 61 m high helium balloon with a capacity of nearly 3,, cubic feet 85, m3 that could lift an open gondola and test pilot into the stratosphere. burkhard bilger background.

Kelley was a stick boy for the New England Whalers of the World Hockey Association in their inaugural season of when his father coached the team. Kennedy 's plot to kill Fidel Castrowritten as a poem.

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The Second Amendment guy, all he wanted to talk about was his gun collection. Then the 10th Amendmentthe one where they say leave the rest for the states to decide, he was a guy with no self-esteem.

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burkhard bilger background He began working for a Boston law firm,[ which? Inwhile considering it only a hobby, Kelley began writing a screenplaya legal thrillerwhich was optioned in and later became the Judd Nelson feature film From the Hip in His agent sent him Kelley's movie script for From the Hip. Enthusiastic, Bochco made him a writer and story editor for the show. During this first year, Kelley kept his law office in Boston as a hedge. However, his involvement in the show only expanded.

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In the second year, he became executive story editor and co-producer. Finally, inBochco stepped away from the series making Kelley the executive producer.

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Kelley left after the fifth season in and ratings began to fall. Kelley wrote most of the episodes for the first three years. Expressing a desire to focus more bacground his production company and upcoming projects, Kelley ceased day-to-day involvement with both series inallowing others to write and produce.

If one network passed on a project, the other got first refusal. Kelley retained full creative control. Receiving critical applause along with two Emmys for Outstanding Drama Series but low ratings in its starting seasons, it eventually became a popular top 10 program. Perrythe creator of the series The Riverand Ed Redlichco-creator of the series Unforgettable.]

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