Catholicism protestantism -

Catholicism protestantism - are

Waldensians , Waldenses , Vallenses or Vaudois are names for a Christian movement that started in Lyon, France, in the late s. The movement was started partly in response to the schisms that had consumed the Catholic church in the 12th century and advocated a return to the vows of poverty and preaching of the Gospel as advocated by Jesus and his disciples in the New Testament. Originally a reform movement within the Catholic Church, the movement was declared heretical by and became persecuted by Church officials. Upon the rise of the Protestant Reformation, church leaders met with Swiss and German Calvinists and agreed to join with the Reformed church, adopting many of the Calvinist tenets and becoming its Italian arm. Although the church was granted some rights and freedoms under French King Henry IV with the Edict of Nantes in , Catholic persecution rose again in the 17th century, with an extermination of the sect attempted by the Duke of Savoy in This led to an exodus and dispersion of the Waldensians to other parts of Europe and even to the Western hemisphere. While many Waldensian sects eventually were absorbed into other Protestant Christian denominations, active congregations remain in Europe, South America, and North America under the label of the Waldensian Evangelical Church. Organizations such as the American Waldensian Society exist to maintain the history of this movement. Both the contemporary and historic Waldensian spiritual heritage describes itself as proclaiming the Christian Gospel, serving the marginalized, promoting social justice, fostering inter-religious work, and advocating respect for religious diversity and freedom of conscience. Waldensians held and preached a number of truths as they read from the Bible.

Catholicism protestantism Video

The Difference between Catholics and Protestant Christians catholicism protestantism Catholicism protestantism

Have you ever wondered what the differences between Catholics and Protestants? Maybe you think it is not that important.

catholicism protestantism

If you want to really understand Christianity, you need to understand its various groups. Here we are going to help you to understand the two largest branches of the Christian faith in the world today. In this article, we catholicism protestantism the background to the and Protestant divisions and its history. Then we discuss the many similarities between the two groups. Many people, even Christians believe that there are no major differences between the two faiths and wonder what all the fuss is about. However, as this article will show you, there are real differences between the two confessions, on important theological issues and organization.

We will help you to understand protestwntism, with specific references to how they interpret the bible and their different catholicism protestantism.


There will be some discussion as to differences between Catholics and Protestant groups such as Anglicans, Lutherans, and Baptists. The differences between Catholic and Protestant is catholicism protestantism if you are to understand modern history according to Heal. There is a discussion on the long conflict between the two confessions. There will be special attention to the long history of often bloody conflict between Catholic and Protestants source Ireland. In Western and Southern Europe, the Catholic Church was the only Christian Church and it was headed by the Pope, who had great spiritual and temporal power. Martin Luther challenged the Papacy, whom he believed to be corrupt and this led to the Reformation. Luther wanted to reform the Catholic Church but instead, his calls for reform led to the emergence of new Churches, such as the Lutheran, typically with the support of local rulers.

Protestant groups emerged all over Catholicism protestantism Europe and soon established themselves around the World.

catholicism protestantism

The Catholic Church launched the Counter-Reformation, this was a series of reforms that aimed to halt the growth of Protestantism. By Europe was divided between those who owed their loyalty to the Pope and catholicism protestantism who rejected him.

Catholic v Protestant Wars

The division between Catholic and Protestant changed European history and led to a series of bloody religious wars, especially in the 16 th and 17 th. The first wars of religion broke out in Germany in the s. Differences between Catholics and Protestants led to the 80 years war between the Dutch and Catholicism protestantism. The Thirty Years War broke out in and it was one of the most brutal religious wars in all catholicism protestantism and the war involved much of the kingdoms in Europe and led to massive loss of life.

This is seen as ending the period of Catholic and Protestant Wars argues Philpot.

History of Catholicism and Protestants

catholicism protestantism While tensions between the two have eased there appears little hope for the unification of the Christian Church. There are an estimated 1. Both groups are growing, in the Developing World but the level of attendance, at their services in North America and Europe, is declining.]

One thought on “Catholicism protestantism

  1. I think, that you are mistaken. I can defend the position.

  2. Yes, logically correctly

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