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The first few years of life are a time of significant growth and development. Children all develop at different rates, but most young children will reach certain milestones by specific ages. Watch for your child meeting general guidelines as he grows from infancy through his toddler and preschool years.

characteristics of childhood stage

Babies are born ready to learn language, and from the beginning your infant will be listening to the sounds he hears around him. By age 1, he will respond to his name, look where you point, and say a few of his own words. As a toddler he will begin to follow simple directions. According to HealthyChildren. His language will continue to grow rapidly through his preschool years and he will become more understandable.

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As an infant, your baby will learn to roll over, sit up, crawl and pull to a standing position. It's all leading to his first steps, which will occur around his first birthday. Once he begins walking on his own, he will quickly learn to run and climb by the time he is 2.

characteristics of childhood stage

As a preschooler, he will be able to jump, hop and walk up and down stairs independently. As a toddler, your little one will begin to understand simple concepts as he is better able to recognize similarities and characteritics. He will begin to sort objects by color or shape. He will understand position words such as over, under, around and beside. When he characteristics of childhood stage 3 years old, he will be able to name the colors and have an understanding of the concept of counting, according to HealthyChildren.

characteristics of childhood stage

Very young toddlers begin to imitate adult actions by stirring a spoon in a play pot or holding a toy phone to their ears, which is the first step of pretend play. By the time your kiddo is 2, he will engage in more make-believe play with your guidance.

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As a preschooler, he will invent fantasy scenarios with more detailed story lines while he plays. The small muscles of the hand develop during the early years, which is called fine motor development. Babies use their fingers and hands as they pick up small pieces of food or dump out containers. Toddlers will build towers of blocks and use crayons to scribble. By stabe time your child characteristics of childhood stage a preschooler, he will be able to copy lines and simple shapes, and will begin to use scissors to snip.


Young children are on a path to being independent from an early age. Toddlers learn to assert their independence quickly and you will surely hear the words, "I do it myself" at some point. As he grows into a preschooler, HealthyChildren.]

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