Desert storm soldiers exposed to chemical agents -

Desert storm soldiers exposed to chemical agents

Desert storm soldiers exposed to chemical agents - not

The explosion in the center gun room killed 47 of the turret's crewmen and severely damaged the gun turret itself. Two major investigations were undertaken into the cause of the explosion, one by the U. The investigations produced conflicting conclusions. The first investigation into the explosion, conducted by the U. Navy, concluded that one of the gun turret crew members, Clayton Hartwig, who died in the explosion, had deliberately caused it. During the investigation, numerous leaks to the media, later attributed to U. Navy officers and investigators, implied that Hartwig and another sailor, Kendall Truitt, had engaged in a romantic relationship and that Hartwig had caused the explosion after their relationship had soured. In its report, however, the U. Navy concluded that the evidence did not show that Hartwig was homosexual but that he was suicidal and had caused the explosion with either an electronic or chemical detonator. Navy's findings. desert storm soldiers exposed to chemical agents

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