Direct democracy advantages -

Direct democracy advantages - so?

Democracy is a government for the people and by the people, but no form of democracy is truer to this than direct democracy. Direct democracy is when instead of voting for who you want to represent you, you represent yourself. The citizens of the country vote on all issues, including bill, laws, and policy changes. These votes are than counted and used as the deciding factor in if it passes or not. This type of government can be very powerful and insight some wonderful things, but it also has the ability to go very wrong, very quickly.

Direct democracy advantages - commit error

Government is important with running a country; no civilization has lasted without some kind of decree from leader s. The number of Governments that have existed at some point in time is big one, but today an absolute monarchy, a constitutional monarchy, a direct democracy, and an authoritarian Government will be highlighted. Government is an important part of countries, and out of the many civilizations in the world there are many kinds of Government. By using this site, you consent to the use of cookies. You can refuse to use cookies by setting the necessary parameters in your browser. History , Answers: 3. The correct answer was given: AJRL Other questions on the subject: History. Direct democracy advantages direct democracy advantages

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direct democracy advantages

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direct democracy advantages

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One thought on “Direct democracy advantages

  1. Yes you the storyteller

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