Galaxy memes - what that
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You call that big? Might as well call it a house!
Meme i. I know galaxy memes comes with the genre, but that's a bit too much no matter how you view it. The problem here Is that a great star can be very big but Its still understandable.
If you mess with gravity density and material resistance It would be possible to make a planent that size impossible In our universe tho. Well there are arrays everywhere and everything is made of really strong materials which solves the whole mass genocide thing and as for speed I'm pretty sure every decently strong cultivator unlocks short distance space warping because of how often I see them taking a step but it travels insert high learn more here here me,es other things so I believe they aren't traveling at like the speed galaxy memes light for example but instead just bending space to travel faster and another thing is galaxy memes is a constant that I forget the name of but if it were to change the speed of light could become even galacy so there is also the possibilty that its either just different in their universe or maybe dense spiritual qi affects that constant.
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The laws of physics are obiusly diffent in all of them. Its very galaxy memes there is not a speed limit. I could also be that here speed can be much faster than combat speed. Nah, when they have a fight their aura destroys everything in some absurd radius of an entire solar system or something.
You'd need the city to be stupidly huge for that to make sense. The insane scale is fine, the problem is the author usually forgets that the next moment, and has them walking around. If the city is the size galaxy memes a galaxy, your buildings would be as far galaxy memes as stars are.
Yea they constantly mention how it looks like they are walking slowly but each step is traveling insert high number here. It appears that the fellow Daoist who wrote this scripture has a different understanding of stars and galaxy. Perhaps the galaxy he is talking about is that in the Primordial universe, which is part of one of the heavenly firmaments.
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Should he be talking about the galaxies and stars in the pre-transmigrated universe, he should consider galaxy memes the difference between stars and galaxy is click difference between the Earth and the Heavens. The light of the firefly compared to the brilliance of the moon. The size of the firefly galxxy to the size of the sun! Except more exaggerated.]
Likely yes
The matchless answer ;)
In it something is. I thank you for the help in this question, I can too I can than to help that?