Last week tonight nuclear weapons -

Last week tonight nuclear weapons Video

Pennies: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) last week tonight nuclear weapons Last week tonight nuclear weapons

Picture taken February 18, This would result in dangerous radionuclides flowing across the ocean to Russia, Alaska, Canada, Hawaii and the U. West Coast.

last week tonight nuclear weapons

The release of this material — which is strongly opposed by local scientists and residents in Japan — would begin in two years and continue for last week tonight nuclear weapons 40 years. The Biden administration must urge Japan to abandon this unnecessary and dangerous plan. The Fukushima nuclear disaster was caused by the 9. The tsunami flooded and disabled emergency generators needed to pump cooling water into the nuclear reactor cores, causing three reactor core meltdowns and hydrogen explosions. Radionuclides flowed eastward across the Pacific and were eventually found in waters off California, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia and Alaska. We all live weel.

1.This Month

Some of this has reportedly been removed, but some has not e. As C has a half-life of 5, years, and is known to bio-accumulate in marine ecosystems weaponx cause cellular and genetic impairment. This is a very serious concern. It is easy to imagine the impact this new, intentional Fukushima release could have, rightly or not, on the public image of clean marine seafood and tourism along the Pacific coast.

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TEPCO claims the water has been sufficiently treated and is OK to release, but the treatment system they michels patesserie using is reported to be substandard and not up to the job. Their assurances now that there last week tonight nuclear weapons no risk in releasing this radioactive water are neither credible nor scientifically defensible. China and South Korea have registered objections to the release plan with Japan, but other downstream nations — the U. And even if the ecological and public health risk from the planned release is indeed low, as claimed this is highly doubtfulthe risk is entirely unnecessary and avoidable.

Beyond marine discharge, several other disposal options have been considered, including evaporating the water, or injecting it into deep geologic formations.

last week tonight nuclear weapons

Japan and TEPCO considered this long-term storage option, but opted instead for the cheapest choice — simply dumping the wastewater into the Pacific. The era of intentionally dumping toxic waste in our one global ocean is, or should be, over. Fukushima was, and continues to be, a nuclear nightmare, and all nations should join together in a collaborative effort to resolve this mess. This effort will take hundreds of billions of dollars, over many decades, and the U. Unless and until this wastewater is independently certified as effectively free of radionuclides and safe, not one drop should be released into the beautiful deep blue Pacific. Finally, Fukushima continue reading be the last nail in the coffin for the notion that nuclear fission power could be a realistic solution to our climate crisis.

Rick Steiner is a marine conservation biologist in Anchorage and former professor of marine conservation with last week tonight nuclear weapons University of Alaska from He now consults for the U. When civilians no longer control the key institutions of government and war industries ensure the perpetuation of endless wars from which they make obscene profits, the political system can no longer be defined as a democracy.

last week tonight nuclear weapons

A year earlier, Warren had proposed legal changes to strengthen ethics at the Deapons Department by blocking the revolving door between last week tonight nuclear weapons Pentagon and giant defense contractors like Raytheonincluding by prohibiting big defense contractors from hiring former Pentagon officials for four years after they leave government.

Promoting More War Though Austin claims to have recused himself from decisions involving Raytheon, the Pentagon under his direction is providing his old company with huge contracts on a daily basis that is bolstering its profits and stock price. Austin furthermore has used his new bully pulpit to advocate for yet greater levels of military spending—to the benefit of Raytheon.]

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