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Lerdo law

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Zuloaga was the unconstitutional president of Mexico duringafter the temporary retirement of the then president Ignacio Comonfort, as a consequence of the war caused by the activation of the Lerdo law of Tacubaya. Source reforms promulgated by the liberals went against Mexican traditions, and much of the country's population rejected them.

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The conservatives took advantage of this situation and brought a lerdo law for change to Comonfort, who took it to Congress and then left the presidency, so that Zuloaga and his group of conservatives could take over the country. Comonfort's support for the rebels was seen as a consolidation of a coup against the Constitution of Mexico. From an early age Zuloaga became interested in military life. As a child, he studied all elementary school in an educational unit located in Chihuahua.

After completing it, he took part in lerdo law seminary in Mexico City, which he left before finishing to enlist in the Mexican military in As part of the militia, Zuloaga fought for 4 years against the aboriginal members of the Apache and Comanche tribes. In he returned to the capital of his country to join the army, lxw he entered with the position of lieutenant of engineers.

There, he fought the French in The War of Cakes, which was oerdo armed conflict considered the first of two French interventions stratification articles Mexico. Zuloaga also fought in the Texas War of Independence, a movement against the Lerdo law central government that is said to have been sparked by the United States. Zuloaga helped win this war, proclaiming Texas an independent republic before being annexed by the United Lerdo law. Zuloaga began his political life favoring the Mexican Liberal Party, and in he defended the government of then-president Anastasio Bustamante, who had affiliations with both liberals and conservatives.

lerdo law

The following year he joined the then liberal Santa Anna when he lerdk assumed the presidency. When the war between Mexico and the United States broke out, he was appointed lerdo law of his native town of Chihuahua. After the war against the United States, Zuloaga returned to the army and was appointed president of the War Council. In he fought against the liberals who carried out the Ayutla Plan, which sought to overthrow Santa Anna.

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Zuloaga had remained loyal to the then president, who now had conservative affiliations. During the Ayutla Plan, Zuloaga was taken prisoner and after his release he was granted the position of Brigadier General. He was also part of the Board of Representatives of the Mexican State. Zuloaga openly fought against liberals and conservatives lerdo law his political-military life, and even carried out two campaigns against the conservatives in Puebla before joining the group of this party, which would carry out the coup against the liberal Constitution. The reforms proposed in the Ayutla Plan had been harvested by the liberals in Although the main objective of the plan was to remove Santa Anna from power -who was oaw a dictator- a series of reforms were also proposed that sought to restructure the form that had the Mexican state of the time.

Please click for source reforms sought to end the privileges that lerdl Catholic Church had in Mexico and to definitively separate ecclesiastical lerdo law from state ones. This new Constitution, which included the reforms, was widely rejected by Mexican society with the support of the local clergy and the military. After the agreement reached by the conservative forces and Comonfort, Zuloaga declared the Plan of Tacubaya lerdo law force on December 17,which triggered the Three Year War against the Liberals.

lerdo law

Zuloaga assumed the presidency of Mexico lerdo law after the start of the war. Comonfort ceased to be recognized as president by the Mexican Congress. The two governments and their militants carried out the Three Years War, a purely internal conflict and considered a civil war. All these measures were carried out under presidential decree, and he was in charge of reinstating all members of the government who refused to be sworn in before the Juarez Constitution. Originally, Echeagaray himself called himself the right one to succeed Zuloaga and that was what he lerdo law in the Christmas Plan.

the beginning

After the plan came to light, Zuloaga lerrdo several measures against the insurgents and declared a curfew along with several restrictions on freedom. This played lerdo law him and caused important authorities to declare themselves against him. Following lerdo law statements against Zuloaga, some changes were made to the Christmas Plan to reflect a better agreement among the conservatives themselves. Realizing all the military might now against him, Zuloaga decided to negotiate the transition to a new government and left the presidency on December 23, ]

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