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In a manner of speaking, Edgar C. And despite him and others like him risking life and limb in the war, it would be decades before they were recognized for their contribution to the Union cause.


Greene, who spent his last years as an Ontario resident, was a Union Army telegrapher, operating the telegraph equipment that enabled military commanders for the first time to quickly transmit information little women civil war long distances. The military became very much dependent on the skills of these telegraphers who inexplicably were always civilians. They might be wounded, captured or killed while serving with armies during the war, but they were never in uniform or, later, got much in wae way of pensions or other benefits. But it must have been an adventure for Greene, who was not quite 15 years old when he was hired as a telegrapher at Sturgis, Michigan, in He quickly mastered Morse Code and the ins and outs of operating a telegraph under all sorts of conditions, according to his obituary April 20,in the Ontario Daily Report.

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The Telegraph Corps was composed of several thousand civilian telegraphers in charge of putting up poles and stringing lines as well as relaying messages. Corps members such as Greene were often used to translate and receive messages in code, while others were assigned to break the cyphers used by their counterparts on the Confederate side. During one Kentucky battle, little women civil war Union telegrapher transmitted a message by grounding a crowbar into the soil and tapping it with a cut wire.

George A. Custer, whose troops were sent to occupy Houston, Texas, where many See more soldiers had refused to lay down their arms. At this same time, the U. While talks continued between the U. He worked for Western Union in Chicago for many years, then began serving as managers of hotels in Montana, Idaho and Washington.]

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