Period after reconstruction -

Period after reconstruction - recollect more

The time it takes you to recover from surgery will depend on the type of reconstruction you have. Most women begin to feel better in a couple of weeks and can return to usual activities in a couple of months. Talk to your doctor about what you can expect. Be sure you understand how to take care of your surgery sites and how to follow up with your breast care, including regular mammograms and when they are needed depending on the surgery you have had. Any type of surgery has risks, and breast reconstruction may pose certain unique problems for some women. Even though many of these are not common, some of the possible risks and side effects during or soon after surgery include:. Infection can happen with any surgery, most often in the first couple of weeks after the operation. period after reconstruction

Period after reconstruction - all

Learn what happened after the guns of the Civil War fell silent, the beginning of the Reconstruction era, in this 2-part interactive tutorial. The related tutorial, Deconstructing Reconstruction can be found here. Learn about the era of Jim Crow segregation and the larger context within which it flourished, the Nadir of American race relations, in this interactive tutorial. Learn about Booker T. Washington and W. Du Bois and their rivalry of ideas in part 2 of this interactive tutorial.

After the Civil War, the United States had to recover from war, handle western expansion, and grapple with very new economic forms. However, its period after reconstruction issues would revolve around the legacies of slavery and increasing diversity in the decades after the Civil War. Reconstruction was partly a period of military occupation of the south by the northern victors.

Former slaves now had freedom and new opportunities but faced old prejudices and rapidly forming new barriers. Immigrants from Europe and Asia came in large numbers but then faced political and social restrictions. Women continued to seek rights. Yet, on the whole, America became increasingly period after reconstruction by the s. Consider developments, policies, and laws in that period from to the s. Take one of the positions as suggested below, draw from the sources listed, and present a paper with specific examples and arguments to demonstrate the validity of your position. After giving general consideration to your readings so far and any general research, select one of the positions above as your position—your thesis.

Sometimes after doing more thorough research, you might choose the reverse position.

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This happens with critical thinking and inquiry. Your final paper might end up taking a different position than you originally envisioned. Organize your paper as follows, handling these issues:. Afteer The paper should be to words in length. This normally means here pages for the body of the paper.

The Quaternary Period and Other Periods

The title page and References page do not count in these calculations. Double-space between lines. Format instructions are below. Your other two sources should be drawn from the list provided below.

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period after reconstruction This is guided research, not open-ended Googling. You will have an alphabetized list of Reference entries at the end, using APA format. Just click for source will have short, APA-style in-text citations appropriately placed in the body of the paper; these in-text citations will match the References listed at the end. Source List for Assignment 1: Be sure to use the Schultz text as a source. Use at least two of the other sources listed here. Some sources below can period after reconstruction accessed via direct link or through the primary sources link on Blackboard.

Each week has a different list of primary sources. History Since Student edition. Boston: Cengage. A template for this paper is here. Skip to content. Possible position—in each case you can take the pro or con position: The Lost Cause narrative of the South effectively sabotaged and influenced racial policy in the US for most of the post-Civil War period.

Organize your paper as follows, handling these issues: The position you choose from the list above —or something close to it—will be the thesis statement in your opening paragraph. To support your position, use three specific examples from different decades between and You may narrowly focus on race or gender or immigrant status, or you may use examples relevant to all categories.]

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