Plasma membrane worksheet answers -

Plasma membrane worksheet answers

Plasma membrane worksheet answers - opinion

Worksheet chapter-5 Cellmembrane and function I. Choose the correct answer: 0. Aqua proteins b. Gap junctions d. Desmosomes 2.

The phrase: Plasma membrane worksheet answers

Maladaptive assumptions 15 hours ago · Answer. Part 1. In addition to membranes surrounding a cell, many organelles within eukaryotic cells also have membranes. An organelle is a subcellular structure that carries out a specific function. Depending on the organelle, it may be surrounded by one membrane, two membranes, or no membrane at all. 1 day ago · plasma membrane is made up of a _____ a. lipid layer c. lipid bilayer b. phospholipid layer d. phospholipid bilayer II. Answer whether true or false: ( points each) 1. Diffusion is movement of water from a region of low concentration to a region of high concentration. () 2. Page 58 httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommo from BIO at Community College of Allegheny County.
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plasma membrane worksheet answers

The term mosaic refers to the molecules mostly proteins of different shapes and sizes that are embedded in various sections of the plasma membrane, much like tiles of a mosaic.

plasma membrane worksheet answers

Key Term: Fluid Mosaic Model The fluid mosaic model is a way of understanding how menbrane membranes function as the phospholipids are fluid, moving freely within the membrane with molecules of different shapes and sizes embedded in the membrane like mosaic tiles. There are various proteins that embed themselves in the phospholipid bilayer.

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One type is called an intrinsic protein transmembrane or integral proteinwhich spans both layers of the membrane as in Figure 4. All intrinsic proteins are globular proteins with hydrophobic regions that fit into the membrane. The example in Figure 4 is a channel protein. These contain a hydrophilic pore through which polar molecules and ions can travel passively by diffusion down the concentration gradient. These substances would otherwise not be plasma membrane worksheet answers to be transported across the membrane due to the hydrophobic nature of the phospholipid fatty acid tails. Carrier proteins are another type of intrinsic protein, modeled in Figure 5.

They contain receptors specific to one molecule.

plasma membrane worksheet answers

For example, in Figure 5, glucose is being transported from the extracellular space into the cell. Due to the specific shape of the receptor, no other molecules would fit into the glucose carrier protein. Depending on the concentration of glucose inside and outside the cell, it may need to be either actively or passively transported by carrier proteins. Ansers transport requires energy to transport molecules because they plasma membrane worksheet answers moving against their concentration gradient. Passive transport does not require energy to transport molecules as they are moving down their concentration gradient.

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If there was a high concentration of glucose outside the cell and a lower concentration inside, for example, glucose would move into the cell down its concentration gradient by passive transport, plasma membrane worksheet answers the carrier proteins but no energy.

Key Term: Intrinsic Proteins Intrinsic proteins are embedded through both layers of a membrane and can be either carrier proteins for transporting substances actively or passively into or out of the cell or channel proteins for passive transport only.

Key Term: Channel Proteins Channel proteins are intrinsic proteins asnwers provide a hydrophilic channel allowing the diffusion of polar molecules and ions down their concentration gradient through membranes. Key Term: Carrier Proteins Carrier proteins are intrinsic proteins that have a specific shape plasma membrane worksheet answers to certain molecules, and upon binding to them they undergo a change in shape to transport the molecules through a membrane either up active transport or down their concentration gradient passive transport. Glycoproteins are an example of an intrinsic protein, also visible in Figure 4. The glyco- prefix of the mrmbrane indicates that the protein is attached to a carbohydrate sugar chain. Glycoproteins have two uses: they help cells adhere to each other and stick together, and they can also act as link.

plasma membrane worksheet answers

The general role of a receptor is to allow a specific chemical, such as a hormone, to bind to it and to elicit a response in the cell. This is called cell signaling and it allows the cells of the link to worksbeet with each other efficiently.

Key Term: Glycoproteins Glycoproteins are a type of intrinsic protein attached to a carbohydrate chain that help cells adhere to each other and act as receptors for different chemicals to elicit a response in the cell cell signaling.

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Glycolipids, also visible in Figure 4, are like glycoproteins, but instead of a carbohydrate chain attaching to an intrinsic protein, they attach directly to the phospholipids in the bilayer. They are sometimes referred to as cell markers or antigens, as they are used by the immune system in cell recognition to identify cells as self or nonself. If cells are nonself, it indicates they do not belong to the organism itself and are therefore possibly harmful american serial killers must be destroyed.

Definition: Glycolipids Glycolipids are plassma attached to carbohydrate chains, often called cell markers or antigens, that can be recognized by the immune system plasma membrane worksheet answers self or nonself, the latter plasma membrane worksheet answers they are attached to cells from another organism such as a pathogen. An example of glycolipids in human cells is in ABO blood grouping. There are glycolipids on the cell surface membrane of red blood cells that act as antigens, specific for one of four blood groups: A, B, AB, and O.

Extrinsic proteins, or peripheral proteins, do not cross the entire diameter of the membrane like intrinsic proteins jembrane can be seen in Figure 4.]

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