Reasons for the salem witch trials -

Reasons for the salem witch trials - for

All the false accusations from people caused the court to execute the accused witches without any strong evidence of practicing witchcraft. After Tituba had confessed to seeing the devil and blame others the hysteria and blaming had started. After 15 months in prison, Tituba went on trial for contacting with the devil. Over people in Salem were accused of being a witch Salem Witch Trials. The supernatural claims by the some convicted people caused the government to try to distinguish more suspects for witchcraft. Many suspects got arrested and went for trial.

Reasons for the salem witch trials Video

Was Ergot Fungus the Cause of the Salem Witch Trials? - STRANGE BUT TRUE STORIES reasons for the salem witch trials. Reasons for the salem witch trials reasons for the salem witch trials

One theory claims that it all started because the girls in the village were bored. In addition, the Puritans held very strict beliefs which forbade many forms of entertainment not only for adults but for children too.

reasons for the salem witch trials

And for girls, it was even worse because the restrictions for them were more severe than they were for boys. The Puritans strongly believed in the existence of witches and witchcraft.

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According to the belief, witches were in alliance with the devil that gave them power to do harm. They were blamed for all kinds of misfortunes from illnesses and failed crops to bad weather and other things that had a perfectly rational explanation even three centuries ago.

reasons for the salem witch trials

But due to the strong belief in the occult, the villagers were inclined to the most improbable explanations. For them, witches and witchcraft were a very real threat. Many of those who were accused of witchcraft had unsettled accounts with their accusers or were seen as a threat to the Puritan values.

External Conflict In The Crucible

About 50 people were directly or indirectly accused by the members of the Putnam family which strictly followed the Puritan beliefs and customs, and strongly supported Reverend Samuel Parris, the initiator of the witch hunt. But the attempt had failed and 19 reasons for the salem witch trials their supporters got accused of witchcraft. According to salwm theory, the Salem tragedy might have been related to the cold weather, more specifically a pursuit for something or someone to blame for the related hardships such as crop failure. This theory is supported by historical records which indicate that the years preceding the Witch Trials were particularly cold. Also, the notorious witch hunt took place within the period of the so-called Witch Craze which in turn coincides with what is known as the Little Ice Age, a period of abnormally cold climate between the midth and midth century.

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Consumption of rye grains contaminated with a fungus known as ergot is another possible explanation for the witch hysteria in the late 17th century Salem. If eaten, the fungus can cause hallucinations and convulsions similar to those that were reported reasons for the salem witch trials be experienced by the allegedly bewitched girls. And according to Linnda Caporael, professor at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute who introduced the ergot poisoning theory, all the conditions were right for the ergot spread just before the Witch Trials.

The Salem Witch Trials were a series of witchcraft trials casablanca essay took place in in Massachusetts. Nearly people were accused of witchcraft and by the end of the trials, 19 were sentenced to death by hanging and executed.]

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