Republican oligarchy -

Republican oligarchy

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Opinion obvious: Republican oligarchy

MY INTERESTS APP Apr 10,  · North Korea’s Kim Jong-un rules from within an inherited oligarchy; in , the National People’s Congress in China gave Xi Jinping ‘Presidency for life’; the Burmese Generals in Myanmar are brutally clinging to authoritarian rule once again, having supplanted the elected Parliamentary Republic under Aung San Suu Kyi. 1 day ago · Both groups have sought to define Oligarchy as being opposed to democracy. Arguments such as this always amuse me, in that they perpetuate the myth that the United States is a Democracy. It is not. Our nation has as its ideal (in the constitution) a Federalist Republican System of Oligarchy. We are not, and have never been a Democracy. 4 days ago · According to Plato in Republic bk 8, the form of government that most easily devolves into tyranny is _____.. ideal monarchy/aristocracy.
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republican oligarchy republican oligarchy

At coffee with some mates recently, we puzzled over this — it seems the political choice republican oligarchy in world affairs at present is not between democracy and communism but between democracy and oligarchy. Does anyone in republican oligarchy Kremlin, apart from the opposition leader Alexi Novalny — now on a hunger strike — recognise the tragic irony in this development? Putin permits no dissent and has manipulated his followers to bestow effective permanency upon himself. Information power was added later by scholars, in that significant information could still be given by someone who was not necessarily a formal expert or who held legitimate authority.

Connection power was also added, based republican oligarchy the perception that a person who has important liaisons or connections can influence others who seek to gain favour with such networks. Power is about mastery, not necessarily about dominance or control. Power is indeed complex: it is not a possession republican oligarchy an aspect of a relationship, it is not static but an interactive process, and it has two faces, one positive masteryone negative dominance. It could well be about keeping control in positions of authority, which is what oligarchs value most of all. Another Western political leader comes to mind who displays serious oligarchic tendencies — the 45 th President coastal native american tribes the USA.

What was and still is galling and worrying about Donald Trump and his coterie is the same conviction as among the oligarchs: the expressed desire and actions which foster permanence in their republican oligarchy. The judge chastised the legal team for wasting the time of the court, and apparently stated that lawyers who brought such claims, could be disciplined.

The main lawyer, Paul Davis, himself a proud Trump supporter, was later fired from his job after recording himself storming the Capitol building earlier that month. So much for supporting an oligarch in a Western democracy.

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It seemed to have eluded these legal claimants that the USA is a democracy wherein the people elect their leaders, their leaders are not born to it, nor can they be allowed to readily usurp it under the guise of rightful ascendency. Trump and such radical-right Republicans seem to believe that they are born to rule — democracy is merely platform, and their plaything. Thanks to Trump, the world has been well re-educated about the peculiarities and the dark side of Republican oligarchy democracy and its voting system. Norton is insightful and sobering. She concludes that these families are oligarchs, wealthy business people with political influence who ignore and disrespect representative Government and its institutions.

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Trump behaved as an oligarch — desperate to hold onto the US Presidency. Were the Kennedy and Bush families also oligarchs? History has testified to their enduring influence within American politics, but such influence seems driven more by an inherited sense republican oligarchy public service more than an inherited thirst for enduring power.

Rather, the best leaders serve others and the republican oligarchy good, not their own political ambitions, or their own longevity as leaders. These principles do not seem to be evident in the minds or the behaviour of political oligarchs.

republican oligarchy

In oligarchic regimes, diversity is actively discouraged; there is mistrust in republican oligarchy and leadership itself; self-interest is the prime goal; leadership is a personal possession and not to be distributed or shared. What is instructive is the diminishing authority of democracies around the world, and that younger people seem increasingly indifferent to preserving it. They may have ignored or forgotten the lessons from their grandparents about how precious and fragile democratic freedom really is. Indifference is the seedbed for reublican to germinate. Aristotle reminded us that republican oligarchy might abhor a vacuum, and so do oligarchs. Greg Latemore has taught leadership, strategy, organisational behaviour and human resource management at three Australian Universities. Please keep your comments short and sharp and avoid entering links.]

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