Stop and frisk policies -

Stop and frisk policies

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1 Marine vs 30 Cops @SgtShamar stop and frisk policies.

Free Press headline, Coleman Young group denounces stop and frisk, 3 pgs.

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The American Civil Liberties Union immediately denounced Cavanagh's proposal and promised to fight, just as the organization recently had done with a similar law in New York City. The NAACP and other civil rights organizations and activists, including a group of frksk black ministers, also rejected Cavanagh's proposal and demanded stop and frisk policies meeting with the mayor and Commissioner Girardin. At the meeting, Girardin defended the stop and frisk law by promising it would be enforced "equally, fairly, and vigorously. African American civil rights leaders argued instead that the stop and frisk law would target and harass "law-abiding" members of the black community, as summarized in the memo of the meeting in the gallery below.

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They also considered the mayor's proposal to be a betrayal of black voters who had overwhelmingly supported him against a conservative opponent in the recent election. Robert Dtop of the NAACP asked if police were actually "servants of the people" and accused the Cavanagh administration of "trying to legalize what [DPD officers] are now doing illegally. Young, et.

stop and frisk policies

Young, also condemned the proposal. The group issued a press release right that expressed shock that Mayor Cavanagh would abandon the black voters who had supported him in the election.

stop and frisk policies

They also labeled the proposed law "unconstitutional" panic legislation and compared it to the "crash" crackdown of --a "violation of the rights of the law-abiding while failing to control the operation of the criminal. Memo on opposition of civil rights leaders p.

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The Common Council was divided over the measure, although a majority did endorse a state law. One vocal opponent, African American councilman Nicholas Hood, questioned the constitutionality of such an invasive law and also argued that Detroit was not experiencing a crime wave. Stop and frisk policies responded by calling for a crime conference to analyze the stop and frisk proposal and enlisted the support of Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach to show that the Lyndon Johnson administration agrees with his get-tough crime policies. In January, Detroit Free Press reporter John Millhone took a ride-along with officers from the Tactical Mobile Unit and described their frequent stops and searches of citizens on the street, with or without a law authorizing the procedure.

Stop and Frisk

The officers assured the reporter that stop and frisk was a common DPD tactic and believed that they did not need a law for the practice to thrive. The Cavanagh administration, however, was likely worried about civil lawsuits and other protests alleging police misconductwhich helps explain the logic of passing a law to formalize an already widespread practice. The report argued that stop and frisk was not constitutional, would lead to widespread discrimination against law-abiding black citizens, and would not reduce crime. Mayor Cavanagh, now worried about the stop and frisk policies opposition of African American groups and leaders, responded by claiming that he had never formally supported the marijuanas of negative essay effects and frisk law that he had proposed stop and frisk policies previous November. Shortly after the release of the CCEO study, Attorney General Katzenbach backed out of Cavanagh's crime conference, probably because the Johnson administration realized the political liability in alienating African American civil rights leaders and Democratic politicians in Detroit.

Then in April, state lawmakers in Lansing rejected a statewide stop and frisk law, and Cavanagh's proposal seemed dead. GOP proposes state stop and frisk law In FebruaryRepublican state senators proposed a large anti-crime legislative package that included a law allowing stop and frisk, anti-riot strategies, and weapons restrictions. Notably, Mayor Cavanagh and Commissioner Girardin did not openly suport this Republican proposal, even though both had championed a stop and frisk law before the backlash by Detroit's black leaders. In Detroit, support for the stop and frisk law was growing among white residents and politicians.]

stop and frisk policies

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