Summary of twelve night -

Summary of twelve night Video

Twelfth Night Summary summary of twelve night Summary of twelve night

Obtain the girdle of Hippolytaqueen of the Amazons. Obtain the cattle of the three-bodied giant Geryon. Steal three of the golden apples of the Hesperides. Capture and bring back Cerberus. First: Source lion[ edit ] Main article: Nemean lion Hercules with the head of the Nemean lion Heracles wandered the area until he came to the town of Cleonae.

There he met a boy who said that if Heracles slew the Nemean lion summary of twelve night returned alive within 30 days, the would sacrifice a lion to Summary of twelve nightbut if he did not return within 30 days or if he died, the boy would sacrifice himself to Zeus. Another version claims that he met Molorchos, a shepherd who had lost his son to the lion, saying that if he came back within 30 days, a ram would be sacrificed to Zeus. If he did not return within 30 days, it would be sacrificed to the dead Heracles as a mourning offering.

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While searching for the lion, Heracles fletched some arrows to use against it, not knowing that its golden fur summary of twelve night impenetrable. When he found and shot the lion, firing at it with his bow, he discovered the click protective property as the arrow bounced harmlessly off the summarry thigh.

After some time, Heracles made the lion return to his cave. The cave had two entrances, one of which Heracles blocked; he then entered the other. In those dark and close quarters, Heracles stunned the beast with his club and, using his immense strength, strangled it to death. During the fight the lion bit off one of his fingers.

summary of twelve night

After slaying the lion, he tried to skin it with a knife from his belt, but failed. He then tried sharpening the knife with a stone and even tried with the stone itself.

summary of twelve night

Finally, Athenanoticing the hero's plight, told Heracles to use one of the lion's own summary of twelve night to skin the pelt. Others say that Heracles' armor was, in fact, the hide of the Lion of Cithaeron. When he returned on the 30th day carrying the carcass of the lion on his shoulders, King Eurystheus was amazed and terrified. Eurystheus forbade him ever again to enter the city; from then on he was to display the fruits of his labours outside the city gates.

Eurystheus would then tell Heracles his tasks through a herald, not personally. Eurystheus even had a large bronze jar made for him in ronald twilight zone summary of twelve night hide from Heracles if need be. Eurystheus then warned him that the tasks would become increasingly difficult. Upon reaching the swamp near Lake Lernawhere the Hydra dwelt, Heracles used a cloth to cover his mouth and nose to protect himself from the poisonous fumes.

He fired flaming arrows into the Hydra's lair, the spring of Amymonea deep cave that it only came out of to terrorize summary of twelve night villages. Ruck and Staples have pointed out that the chthonic creature's reaction was botanical: upon cutting off each of its heads he found that two grew back, an expression of the hopelessness of such a struggle for any but the hero. Additionally, one of the Hydra's heads - the middle one - was immortal. The details of the struggle are explicit in the Bibliotheca 2. His nephew then came upon the idea possibly inspired by Athena of using a suummary to scorch the neck stumps after each decapitation. Heracles cut off each head and Iolaus cauterized read more open stumps.]

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