The study of paranormal phenomena -

Confirm: The study of paranormal phenomena

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MCTEAGUE ANALYSIS 2 days ago · Near-Death Experiences and the Afterlife discusses about Dr. Charles Tart's Study of Verified Perception. Did you enjoy reading this post, we have more! Apr 10,  · Book Review: Researching the Paranormal, by Courtney M. Block. Reviewed by Christopher Josiffe. The author is a reference and user engagement librarian at Indiana University Southeast, and, as someone with a long-standing interest in the paranormal (she has herself experienced some inexplicable phenomena, described in the introduction) is ostensibly a suitable . 6 days ago · paranormal par-a-nor-mal adjective – denoting events or phenomena such as telekinesis or clairvoyance that are beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding. parapsychology par-a-psy-chol-o-gy noun – the study of mental phenomena which are excluded from or inexplicable by orthodox scientific psychology (such as hypnosis, telepathy, etc.).
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The author is a reference and user engagement librarian at Indiana University Southeast, and, as someone with a long-standing interest in the paranormal she has herself experienced some inexplicable phenomena, described in the introduction is ostensibly a suitable person to write a book of this type.

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It is also not clear who this book is aimed at. At times its readership appears to be a non-academic one. That the list of resources are mostly to be found in academic libraries does not, as the author correctly states, necessarily preclude people outside higher education from accessing them. This and similar pieces of advice situate the author as writing in her role as user engagement the study of paranormal phenomena. Widening engagement and participation are genuinely laudable aims, but again one wonders who is she writing for?

There are some admittedly a few UK university psychology faculties that support the academic study of, for example, ESP and near-death experiences, and some history and anthropology departments that offer courses or modules on the history or theory of magic and witchcraft.

the study of paranormal phenomena

Perhaps this focus on the USA was inevitable, since the author herself is based in Indiana, but it does limit the value of the book as a guide to available resources for those who are not situated in the USA. Similarly, relevant museums and special collections she cites are US-based. Again, the scope here is too wide to be covered adequately in a chapter.

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This is in direct opposition to the advice this reviewer — in his role as a university librarian who sometimes staffs an enquiry desk — would give. If a student, whether at undergraduate, masters or PhD level, wishes to conduct a literature review, the technique I have been taught is to start with a wide search and gradually narrow down the a strategy that I demonstrate to students and one that I employ myself when the study of paranormal phenomena an article or book. In this sense, I see nothing wrong in starting with Google or Google Scholar, depending on the subject — I would not expect many Google Scholar results if searching for articles on Skinwalker Ranch, for instance.

the study of paranormal phenomena

One can also check citation indexing databases such as Web of Science to see how many times an article has been referenced by others — of course this tends only to work with academic, peer review material. Clearly, this strategy will work if one is seeking a specific book. Then one begins to narrow down the search from these initial results, and narrow them down still further. Library reference and enquiry staff often advise students to use LCSH in literature reviews and as a means to virtually browse the shelves.

Table Of Contents

As a hyperlink, clicking on this will generate a list of all other catalogue entries that have been assigned with this LCSH. And there is a good deal here that may prove valuable — chapters seven the study of paranormal phenomena nine list numerous encyclopaedias, dictionaries, handbooks, monographs and journals and also individual journal articles all gathered under specific subjects — cryptozoology, near-death experiences, occult and magical practices… Some chapters, or sections of chapters, might usefully be separated and used on their own as library guides.

And the bibliographical chapters could well be published separately, as a starting point for undergraduates and others. Or that they still exist, but have been moved to another section of the website, so that the URL no longer functions. Overall, one feels this project was too ambitious and, as, has resulted in a confusing mass of material whose target audience is unclear. References van Gennep, A. The rites of passage.

the study of paranormal phenomena

Original work published Turner, V. The ritual process: structure and anti-structure. Seale-Collazo, J. Charisma, liminality, and freedom: toward a theory of the everyday extraordinary. Anthropology of Consciousness23 2 Skip to main content. April 10, Publication Details:. Publish date:.]

One thought on “The study of paranormal phenomena

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  2. The matchless message ;)

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