Truth about freemasonry -

Truth about freemasonry - tell

What is Freemasonry? It is excerpted from " The Confessions of Aleister Crowley ", pp. I collated the rituals and their secrets, much as I had done the religions of the world, with their magical and mystical bases. As in that case, I decided to neglect what it too often actually was. In the same was, I could not judge masonry by the fact that it had denounced the Concordat. I proposed to define freemasonry as a system of communicating truth — religious, philosophical, magical and mystical; and indicating the proper means of developing human faculty by means of a peculiar language whose alphabet is the symbolism of ritual. truth about freemasonry Truth about freemasonry truth about freemasonry

I do, however, believe high ranking Freemasons play a role in the modern Crime Syndicate. At least their secretive model, adopted from the Jesuits and the Sabattean-Frankists, are utilized. In looking back at history, there are clear indications that the men in power of the past were fully aware of the threat of Illuminati-Freemason infiltration.


Synder truth about freemasonry sheds light on the topic of the lodges in The full exchange can be viewed herebut it begins with a letter from Synder. Although the English is stilted to the modern reader, the book Synder references can be read here. The author, John Robisonwas one of the leading scientists of that era.

truth about freemasonry

The point to be made is that this conversation was occurring and continued to occur at the highest levels of intellectual life at the time. Then it was far from being dismissed as fringe.

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The short version is that Robison considered Masons a power grab by nefarious, nasty characters using Jedi mind games to run herd over the masses. A Thought suggested itself to me, that some of the Lodges in the United States might have caught the Infection, and might cooperate with the Illuminati or the Jacobine Club in France.

Fauchet is mentioned by Robison as a zealous Member: and who can doubt click Genet and Adet? Have not these their Confidants in this Country? They use the same Expressions freemasojry are generally Men of truth about freemasonry Religion.

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Upon serious Reflection I was led to think that it might be within your Power to prevent wbout horrid Plan from corrupting the Brethren of the English Lodge over which you preside. He felt the American version was free of link contamination. There is no indication, and Washington died about a year later.]

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