What is queen elizabeths purpose in this passage? - digitales.com.au

What is queen elizabeths purpose in this passage? - think, what

By Lauren Lewis For Mailonline. The Royal Navy's new aircraft carrier strike group will take a circuitous route to avoid the Taiwan Strait to prevent offending Beijing in its maiden voyage in May. The Ministry of Defence told the MailOnline it was unable to provide further information on the HMS Queen Elizabeth, but did not dispute the strike group's planned route. Politicians have jumped to criticise the passage schedule, which many see as being too soft on Beijing, the Telegraph reported. Former Conservative leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith told the newspaper the government should 'revisit their schedule'. He said: 'I'm pleased the Aircraft Carrier is deploying in the South China Sea but they need to complete this process by letting the Chinese know that they disapprove of their very aggressive actions against their neighbours by sailing through the Taiwan Strait. The warship, which was ironically billed to focus on freedom of navigation operations, will leave Portsmouth for the voyage in the week following Sunday, May 23 pictured, the HMS Queen Elizabeth berthed in Scotland. The warship, which was ironically billed to focus on freedom of navigation operations, will leave Portsmouth for the voyage in the week following Sunday, May However, personnel have been told to be ready for departure from Portsmouth from May what is queen elizabeths purpose in this passage? What is queen elizabeths purpose in this passage?

What is queen elizabeths purpose in this passage? Video

Brief History of the Royal Family

The purpose of this is C, "persuade her audience that she will never make personal decisions that will harm England.

what is queen elizabeths purpose in this passage?

The excerpt of the of Speech to the Troops at Tilbury that shares a common purpose with the Response to Parliament's Request That She Marry, is found between lines 7 and She wanted to establish that her ths as a single woman does not make the kingdom weak because she would always do what is better for Britain. Also, she stated that there is no need to have a king since she had the strength to fight for the kingdom against all its enemies. The excerpt from Queen Elizabeth's Address to the Troops at Tilbury that shares the common purpose of persuading passage?

audience of her shadowing dentists to do what is best for England is:. I am come amongst you, as you see, at this time, not for my recreation and disport, but being resolved in the midst and heat of the battle, to live or die among you all.

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ths England was facing the Spanish invasion and the troops gathered at Tilbury Camp to defend their territory. Queen Elizabeth's willingness to die among her subdits, leaving the comfort of the distance of danger, persuades her troops of her interest for England and her people. Queen Elizabeth's purpose in this passage is to persuade her audience that she will not make any personal choices that harm England.

Queen Elizabeth explains to the Members of Parliament why she will not marry. She is determined not to make any personal decision in spite of the fact that the Parliament continue reading asked her to marry. Queen Elizabeth says :" I will what is queen elizabeths purpose in this passage? in that matter conclude prejudicial to the realm". This means that she thinks marriage may not be good for the realm since she wants to spend her whole time passagf?

take care of it :" For the weal, good and safety whereof, I will never shun to spend my life".

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She says that she will never abandon working for the wealth, the good and the safety of the realm. Her trust is not the focus but her decision not to marry. Queen ELizabeth counts with her followers' trust. The Queen is not talkking about her power but about a personal decision.

what is queen elizabeths purpose in this passage?

If your question is about Queen Elizabeth's purpose in this excerpt, the correct answer is C. The Parliament bid the queen to marry and produce an heir not just because it was a social convention at the time, but because they https://digitales.com.au/blog/wp-content/custom/why-building-administrations-have-a-developing-business/teen-vogue-anarchism.php it was in the best interest of England and all English people. In this iz, the queen turns this argument on its head, saying that she indeed intends to act in England's best interest, and that her marriage or lack thereof won't affect the state politics in any way.

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Her personal choice, therefore, has nothing to do with her high office. This excerpt shows that she is willing to sacrifice her own life if need be. She explicitly says that she hasn't come for "recreation and disport" - therefore, for entertainment or putting on a show. For I assure you what credit my assurance may have with you, I cannot tell, but what credit it shall deserve to have, the sequel shall declare I will never in that matter conclude any thing that shall be prejudicial to annie correal realm. For the weal, good and safety whereof, I will never shun to spend my life; and whomsoever it shall be my chance to light upon, I trust he shall be such, as shall be as careful for the realm as you; I will not say as myself, because I cannot so certainly determine of any other, but by my desire he shall be such as shall be as careful for the preservation of the realm and you, as myself.

Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret, 1949

In this excerpt, Queen Elizabeth says "for the weal, good and safety whereof, I will never shun to spend my life" in order to convince her audience that she is unbiased, intelligent, and rarely makes mistakes. Queen Elizabeth's purpose in this passage is to persuade her audience that she will never make personal decisions that will harm England. Queen Elizabeth was requested several times to get married, then England would have a King and a Queen what is queen elizabeths purpose in this passage? It was demanded by royalty and people, at the same time of assuring the continuity of the royal family through their heirs, but she responded with a very even reason that states her worries about people's safety and getting married was seeing by herself as something that might put England in danger.

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