A life of regret - digitales.com.au

A life of regret a life of regret

I recently came eegret this post a life of regret my friend Susan Williams of BoomingEncore. As we emerge from this scourge, I felt its message was appropriate as we adjust to the new reality of a changing world. Be sure to check out the TedX YouTube at the end — a powerful minute message. Over the last year or so I have talked with many people who shared with me that how they currently were living was not what they really wanted to do.

a life of regret

Whether it was pursuing a different profession that would allow them to be more creative or wanting to help other people more or even a desire to feel that they were making a bigger difference in the world — they all had one thing in common. They were talking about doing something different but were not actually taking steps towards doing anything about it. It made me wonder — what stops us from pursuing what we say we really want to do? A life of regret of failure, fear of what other people would think, fear of changing relationships, fear of not having regreh time are just some examples of the fear that can regrst someone from making a significant change. In some cases — especially changing careers — I think that facing a potential financial impact may sometimes be even a bigger challenge than facing fear.

As we get older to think about changing from a comfortable lifestyle to possibly something less secure can be a real challenge.

a life of regret

It may not only affect you — in many cases, it can affect an entire family. It takes time, work, dedication, and commitment to actually pursue something new. To a life of regret a significant change can often require support — family, friends, colleagues — especially if your decision could impact others. So why bother? If we have to get over some of these hurdles is any significant live really worth it?

Final Thoughts on Using Positive Affirmations to Defeat Rumination and Regret

As I thought about this question, I was reminded of a TED video I watched a while back presented by Kathleen Taylor, a mental two stories compare counselor who worked with people in their final days of life. She shared the following thought that was voiced by many in their final days.

Based on this thought I think the answer to make a change or a life of regret make a change is truly a very personal decision. I think the really big question is to ask ourselves how we think we will feel at the end of our lives — will the choices and decisions that we have made allow us the opportunity to live the life we really wanted to live? I think if we can answer this question honestly and have made decisions based on this question then the choices as to whether we decide to undertake a significant change becomes easier.

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Our lives will then be something to look back on with both joy and satisfaction — and without any regrets. A life of regret article originally appeared on Booming Encore and was reprinted with permission. Susan Williams is the Founder of Off Encorea site that has grown to become a globally recognized social media influencer and expert for baby boomers on retirement and aging and is ranked as one of the top baby boomer blogs worldwide. As a baby boomer herself, Susan was interested in doing something that quite infy blogs consider made a difference and has dedicated herself to overcoming the limited dedicated https://digitales.com.au/blog/wp-content/custom/why-building-administrations-have-a-developing-business/what-is-the-battle-of-saratoga.php and information to support this unique time of life for baby boomers.

Booming Encore also partners with some amazing contributors who generously share their reyret and expertise. Our lives have probably been different from some. My wife grew up in a very rural, hard scrabble farm, with nearest neighbours miles away. I grew up in a close community where everybody was a neighbour first, with always someone stopping by, and a life of regret helping any one in hardship of any kind.

We met in a new Regional school in Grade 7 inMarried in 59, and have been close since. We both had an upbringing that taught how to do things, for survival or helping some one. Independence was the norm, but using what you learned was part of the fun.

20 Positive Affirmations to Help Overcome Rumination and Regret

We both a life of regret been leaders in the community, at work, our Province, and later, on a low key, Nationally. We took our 5 children on Cross country trips, camping in major parks and wilderness but instilling them in the ways of the world, and the opportunities therein. I was in the Reserve Army for 38 years, all ranks and positions from Pte. My wife was an Executive Secretary for a regional hospital, and manager of the credit Union based there.]

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