Ananda tandava -

Ananda tandava Video

Ananda Tandavam of Lord Nataraja during Maha Sivarathri -Sridevi Nrithyalaya - Bharathanatyam Dance ananda tandava

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In Indian cosmological tabulation Shiva's life-span is double of Vishnu, ananda tandava Vishnu's, double of Brahma. The underlying mystic vein effectively working in the Shaivite worship cult saw Shiva as seed — the root of all things and all beings, male or female, and this gave to his visual image, both in art as well as to enshrine a sanctum a new image form tandsva as Ardhanarishvara — half male ananda tandava half female.

They hold that his body wrathfully whirled as in dance when he destroyed Tripura — the cluster of three cities sheltering three demon brothers. They also contend that immenseness of his ire was absolute when in it the entire universe dissolved. Shiva resorted to a article source form similar to 'anandatandava' also when destroying elephant demon Gaya, demon Andhaka and when accomplishing Trailokyavijaya — victory of three worlds.

Introduction to Arudra Darisanam:

In similar vein metaphysicians ananda tandava that universe, his manifestation, creation and dissolution, wherever occurring, occur in him. If a leaf falls and decomposes, it is he who decays, and if a new shoot bursts, it is he tandavz re-emerges. It is he who effects creation as also dissolution and is yet above both.

ananda tandava

Thus, unlike a conceptual deity-image for sanctum an image of Shiva engaged ananda tandava dance, despite that it also involves a lot of symbolism and is highly artistic, portrays an essential aspect of his being. Dance illustrates one of the ever-first cosmic acts with which Shiva seems to have tamed violent motion and separated ananda tandava it rhythm, moves that communicated emotions and states of mind — human mind and the cosmic, and disciplined and defined pace.

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Cosmos emerged with roaring horizons, tempestuous winds, turbulent oceans, rocking mountains and moving earths. Shiva arrested their unruliness into his limbs and noises into the beats of his drum. His feet re-cast the unruly skies and violent waters, and all their cries and commotion. Thus, unruly ananda tandava were set to syllabic discipline, and cosmic disorder, having been reduced to measured pace, was transformed into ordered movement. A man of stage from his body gestures and movements he revealed, and perhaps guided how to reveal, different emotions and states of mind. He danced in delight as also to destroy. Thus in his case neither a dance-image nor any is an artistic manipulation or just an image for sanctum.

Each of his ananda tandava represents one of his aspects, an aspect of mind but more truly that of the flesh.

ananda tandava

Dimensions of tandava and lasya manifesting in Shiva Shaivite thought — metaphysical as well as devotional, abounds in numerous myths ananda tandava dance performed by Shiva and his consort Devi in her various manifestations. Unlike Vishnu who resorted to dance for accomplishing a contemplated ananda tandava, Shiva has been conceived more or less as a regular dancer performing for accomplishing an objective as also for pure aesthetic delight.

The tradition hence reveres him, besides as 'Adi-nratya-guru' — the originator and the continue reading teacher of dance, also as Natesh or Nataraja — the king of dance. In him revealed both faces of dance — 'lasya' as well as 'tandava', of which all subsequent dance forms were offshoots.]

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