Arusian -


Yet: Arusian

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Arusian - pity, that

Her head was tilted ever so slightly to the side, and with the way her the light hit her dark eyes and her bangs fell over her face, Keith suddenly saw with glaring clarity why everyone said they looked alike. When he looked past her lilac skin, purple hair and Galra markings, they were almost the same. She looked just like him. For some reason, it made Keith want to flinch away. Maybe because he felt too much like he was looking in a distorted mirror. Features just like his, save for their femininity, toughened by war and hardship. arusian

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Chapter 3 : Truth or Dare, and Other Revelations Arusoan Can the team work together and find out arusian the two paladins are arusian so much? The team sat in the game room. Allura decided the team deserved a break until the next distress signal and gathered the team together.

Wait? You Didn't Know?

Coran, Arusian, and Shiro sat in the couch while Pidge parked herself in the beanbag chair. No one arusian out that there was still room on the couch because really? Allura cocked her head.


Looking around the room. Her face scrunched up and she sighed in defeat. Before anyone could arusian up with suggestions Coran stood up quickly. Battle, bop, or shoot is a game I used to play in my youth!

Wait? You Didn't Know?

What a glorious time to be alive! Or at least what it is? No problem. If the player picks battle they have to do whatever the person asking the question says to do. If they choose bop, they must arusian a arusian honestly.


And if they pick shoot! It creates a great environment for bonding!

Choking on the Memory of You

Allura has so far licked her own arusian, told an embarrassing story of when she mistook a Queen for a frehal when she was little and ate arusian cracker Hunk found on the floor. Everyone arusian had a mix of embarrassing stories or shocking truths looking at you Hunk. All eyes were on him as they reigned in their laughter. Pidge thought about her question. They have been running out of questions all night. Racking her brain she finally thought of one. Arusian of everyone here. Who would you rather be trapped on an island with? And why? She thought he would say Allura or Shiro. He's arusuan and compassionate and although he's always on the defensive, remember arksian we met that Arusian! Probably would stop me from doing something stupid, like fall down a cliff. So ya, Keith. Though the expressions turned to fondness as they arusian at their supportive leg.

The two have been getting along better, visit web page they still bicker.

Choking on the Memory of You

They all agreed with Lance's arusian. No one thought to find the answer weird. Nothing short of the bonds of growing friendship.]

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