Author of the patriot act -

Author of the patriot act author of the patriot act

The SAFE is one of the most freedom-limiting gun control laws in the country, banning the sale of so-called assault rifles, including one of the most popular guns in America — the AR The wording of the law bans any civilian copies of military rifles that have been made in the last 60 years. In addition to that, it bans ammunition sales except when the seller is officially registered through the state, outlaws private transfer outside the family, and allows healthcare workers to deem patients unfit to own firearms.

Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, where most experts expect it to again be upheld. Cuomo could be up by the U.

Supreme Court, author of the patriot act would see the Second Amendment thrown under the harsh glare of legal scrutiny for the first time in a long while. Thf on the anti-gun left would like to see that exact scenario play out, even if it means sacrificing a win in autho short term.

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Because the current Supreme Court is riddled with ultra-liberals who would love nothing more than to declare — if not in so many words — that the Second Amendment is outdated and irrelevant to modern law. According to the extreme left, the Second Amendment was meant only as a way to ensure each state has a well-armed militia. It prescribed nothing in the way of private gun ownership. The right to bear arms, they claim, is a myth. A thr.

author of the patriot act

A misreading of our founding document. If the SAFE Act is upheld once again, it could serve as a model for other pro-gun control politicians around the country. And if it finds its way into the hands of the Supreme Court and they uphold it as wellwe could see the beginning of a drastic turnaround when it comes to American freedom.

The Second Amendment, at that time, will indeed just be so much chicken scratch on parchment, doomed to obsolescence by liberal activists.

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Our grandchildren will look back on it and shake their heads. Gosh, everyone could own a gun back in your day, Grandpa?

author of the patriot act

Not just criminals? Nothing more and nothing less.

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And unless someone has a way to make sure there are no guns in America anywhere — not on cops, not on criminals — then these laws only serve to make the average citizen less safe than they otherwise would be. Follow UnfiltrdPatriot. By : shawn.]

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