Bible quran comparison -

Bible quran comparison - have won

App Description It is'how to organize the table of contents'. The table of contents of the book can be said to be a compass of knowledge It can also be called a map of knowledge. Rooted with the table of contents provided by this app Make branches opinions, organize to remember the book. There is a table of contents of over 10, books, It is being updated even at this moment. Get ideas and organize them while looking at books. bible quran comparison.

Bible quran comparison - speaking

Share Share Now that the Islamic holy month of Ramadan is underway until May 12, it's a natural time to explore differences between Christianity and Islam. Core to the debate between Christians and Muslims is which text seems the most trustworthy. Mike Licona in this 2. Option B: Jesus was wrong in what he said about dying a violent death. We discussed a few weeks ago why the crucifixion of Jesus seems pretty certain , and is what the Bible teaches. No crucifixion means Christianity is a pointless religion. Andy Bannister speak on Islam multiple times. Bible quran comparison

Bible quran comparison Video

The Difference Between the Bible \u0026 the Quran - Ahmed Deedat

In the Bible, you have many men writing about God and you have in some places the word of God speaking to men and still in other places you have some men simply writing about history or personal exchanges of bible quran comparison to hible another ex: Epistle of John 3. About 18 of them begin by saying: This is the revelation God gave to so and so… The rest make no claim as to their origin. Now here does the Bible talk about itself.

The Qur’an can't be true, this professor argued

Some scriptures are sometimes pointed to in the Bible, say: Here where it talks about itself, but we have to look closely. It could not have meant the whole Bible. And if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, god shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which bible quran comparison written in this book.

bible quran comparison

This is sometimes pointed to me saying: Here is where it sums itself as a whole. But look again and you will see that when ccomparison says: Let no one change this book, it is talking about that last book, 66 or is it 73 in the Catholic Bible?

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It has too, because any reference will tell you that the Book of Revelation was written before certain other parts of the Bible were written. It happens today to be stacked at the end, but there are other parts that came after, so it cannot bible quran comparison referring to the entire book. Incidentally, according to different manuscripts much older than the King James Version, there are different words at the end of the Book of Revelation, comparuson how would we resolve that matter? Note: The Book of Revelation was taken out of the Bible several times and then replaced and then taken out and replaced according to various Church Councils throughout Church history.

bible quran comparison

more info Whose Word Is It? It is an extreme position held only by some Christian groups that the Bible — in its entirety — cover to cover is the revealed word of God in every word, but they do a clever thing when they mention this, or make comoarison claim. They will say that the Bible quran comparison in its entirety is the word of God; inerrant no mistakes in the original writings. So if you go to the Bible and point out some mistakes that are in it you are going to be told: those mistakes were not there in the original manuscript, they have crept in so that we see them there today.

They are going on problem in that position.

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Here is a claim in the Bible that the word of God will stand forever, it will not be corrupted, bible quran comparison will not be lost. So, if today you find a mistake in the Bible you have two choices. Either that promise was false that when God said my word will not fade away, he was mistaken, or the portion which has the mistake in it was not a part of the word of God in the first place, because the promise was that it would be safeguarded, it would not be corrupted.]

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  3. You are not right. I am assured. Let's discuss it. Write to me in PM, we will talk.

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