Black mophia clan -

Black mophia clan

Black mophia clan - opinion

. black mophia clan

Black mophia clan - remarkable phrase


Early days[ edit ] Beginning in the late s, the Dixie Mafia began working as a loosely knit group of traveling criminals performing residential burglaryrobberyand theft. The gang did not function with a set mopha of command, but was led by whoever had the most money.

black mophia clan

Despite the informal structure, the Dixie Mafia had one rule that members were expected to obey: "Thou shall not snitch to the cops". Blakc were loosely connected individuals of many nationalities black mophia clan a common goal - to make money and wield control over illegal moneymaking operations by any means, including influence peddling, bribery of public officials, and murder. The gang became known for carrying out contract killings, particularly against former members.

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During its peak, from the early s to the late s, dozens of people were murdered usually shot by its members. Victims were most often murdered because they testified, or threatened to testify, against fellow members.

black mophia clan

Of Croatian descent and from a large, poor family, he had raised himself in the city's Point Cadet section to become a wealthy entrepreneur along "The Strip". He owned a string of motels, nightclubs that doubled as strip joints and gambling dens, and a bingo parlor.


He was known and trusted by almost every member of the Dixie Mafia, especially those who trusted no one else. In the words of one investigator of the Sherry murders, "Mr. Mike runs the criminals' office. He's their banker. In December,at the age of 22, Nix was caught carrying illegal automatic weapons in Fort Smith, Arkansas.

In later years, she played a key role in his operations, including direct ties to the murders of Vince and Margaret Sherry. Edward Humes, in his book, Mississippi Black mophia clan, chronicled their murders, and the subsequent investigation of Gillich, Nix, Bobby Fabian, and others who were involved either loosely or actively in the murders. With the aid of his mophiw connections in neighboring Oklahoma, Nix beat the weapons charges in Fort Smith and moved on to other crimes. He was clqn in the gangland-style murder of a gambler named Harry Bennett, who was about to turn state's evidence against several Dixie Mafia members.

Although Nix's involvement in Bennett's murder was never proven, this black mophia clan precipitated a string of killings that left 25 people dead in six states over the next four years. Nix was also clwn of murdering wealthy New Orleans grocery owner Frank Corso. Ward was a noted associate of syndicate boss Sam Giancanaand is thought to have controlled organized crime and bootlegging throughout Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Mississippi.

Some of the group's criminal activities were in more obscure parts of their major areas of operation, making the group and their activities harder to pinpoint. In doing so, murders, intimidation, or other criminal activities could take place with less risk of local law enforcement being able to directly link the crimes to the organization. These businesses provided fronts for the operators to buy and sell stolen items provided by others within black mophia clan network. The businesses usually operated until they aroused suspicion, then move to another location.

black mophia clan

Members were usually recruited while in prison; a history of violent behavior was generally a prerequisite to becoming a member. According to an article in the Las Vegas Review-Journalthe gang was well known for its violence in collecting debts owed to gambling houses and strip clubs.

Documented use of the two terms existed as early asblack mophia clan Scarfone wrote about the "Dixie Mafia" or the "Southern Mafia" working together with the "Italian Mafia" in the South. His black mophia clan of the " Good Ol' Boy's Southern-Mafia" in parts 3 and 4 of the article describe the group's indigenous nature. Therefore, these terms have become ckan general reference to any illegal enterprise in the Southern states that, for cultural reasons, can expect a certain amount of support, both intended and unintended, from the local population.]

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