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Boston molasses disaster case study Video

The Great MOLASSES Flood of 1919 boston molasses disaster case study Boston molasses disaster case study

In the relation of the following adventures I do not mean to illustrate the principle maintained by some writers, that by an inevitable course of events in boston molasses disaster case study, mo,asses becomes fate, which at first was merely choice; but rather to show how, by a remarkable combination of circumstances to a great extent beyond my own controlI was involved in a series of perils and perigrinations, such as rarely fall to the lot even of those who have the most restless of dispositions. That my temperament was, and is still, something of this nature, I must confess; and the reading of my leisure hours—books of wild adventure by field and flood I have devoured them all from the volumes of dear old Daniel Defoe, to those of the Railway Libraryfilled my mind with vague longings and airy fancies, for greater achievements than our periodical regatta, or the ranks of our Eton Rifle Volunteer Corps were likely to afford, although I deemed myself by no means an undistinguished member mplasses the latter.


I had been link the usual time an "oppidan" at Eton; but, though standing high in favor of the Boston molasses disaster case study M. This had long been the dearest wish of my father, poor man! I should ever like to have some great end before me, for the striving to attain amid a crowd of competitors, would make me feel all the glory of life. My father, as before, urged King's College as a proper preparation for any profession. My mother hinted that our name had shone in the navy, and cast a glance at a large portrait which hung in the dining-room. It represented George Lord Rodney, the castigator of the Spaniards, in a full bob-wig and white satin breeches, boarding the leading ship of the Caracca fleet, amid a whirlwind of torn rigging, smoke, and cannon-balls, forming a background by no means hilarious.

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But my father pooh-poohed this. I was already far too old for the time at which the navy is entered—to wit, the mature years of thirteen.

boston molasses disaster case study

Then my aunt Etty, who still curled her hair in the fashion of thirty years ago, recommended the army with a pensive air; for she had been engaged to boston molasses disaster case study young sub, who was killed at—I must not say where, for it was a great many years ago, and Aunt Etty boston molasses disaster case study unmarried still; but her views, though warmly seconded by sisters Dot and Sybil who saw military balls and pic-nics in perspectivedid not accord with mine, for I had spent two years or more in our Eton rifle corps, and the monotony of the drill—especially that boring curriculum of Hythe position I went through the musketry classworried me, as I wilfully deemed myself able to sight my weapon and bring down either a Frenchman or a pheasant without it.

At Aunt Etty's suggestion, my father would shake his white head, and say, quoting the author of Ecclesiasticus,— "'There are two things which grieve my heart to see: a man of war that suffereth from poverty, and men of understanding that are not set by. I missed the manly amusements of Eton, and the hilarity of my class-fellows; and though loving well my home and family, when the novelty of my return and of perfect freedom passed away, I longed for a change of read article stirring occupation—an active employment.

boston molasses disaster case study

Is destiny stronger than intention? I should hope not; yet for a time I was almost inclined to think so, after the terrible episode by which I was suddenly torn from my home, and cast upon click here world which, hitherto, I had boston molasses disaster case study through the sunny medium of my day-dreams and romances alone. Our Rectory is situated a mile distant bston the sea, of which an ample view can be had from the upper windows. Behind the house grows a coppice of mighty oaks, the gnarled arms of which bear loads of rustling foliage that form long leafy dells, through which the sun can scarcely penetrate in summer,—trees so old that the mind becomes lost in attempting to conceive what was there before they grew, or who planted them, and of all that has passed stuey the changing world, of all that have been born, have lived long lives, died, and been laid in their silent graves, since these old oaks were acorns, twigs, and saplings!

The Rectory of Erlesmere is an antique mansion, with projecting oriel windows, the mullions of which are almost hidden by ivy, woodbine, and honeysuckle.]

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