Catching fire theme -

Catching fire theme

Catching fire theme - speak this

Interdependence means when two people are mutually depending on each other. Independence is when someone is acting alone, free of control. They are both helping each other to survive. As a matter of fact, they want the other one to survive more than they do themselves. They are actually putting themselves in more danger because they are trying to help each other win in the arena. Not only are Katniss and Peeta interdependent of each other in Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins, but they are also interdependent on the other tributes in the arena such as Johanna and Finnick. Haymitch and the sponsors, who send gifts into the arena, are also helping Peeta and Katniss to survive. Independence is not really a factor in The Hunger Games book 2 although Katniss wants to be independent. catching fire theme catching fire theme

Actually, I devoured it. Not literally, mind you, despite it being the second part of the Hunger Games trilogy.


Go, read it now! No, wait, read the first part, simply titled The Hunger Gamesfirst. The books are as good as novels get.

catching fire theme

I was rather sceptical about the second book. Surely, a new plot, plenty of new characters and possibly way too arbitrary escalations would be there. Surely, it would end up being bigger, but not better. Surely, the unique page-turning qualities of the first book would be lost.

catching fire theme

Never was I happier to be proven wrong. Catching Fire turns out to be as good as The Hunger Games, maybe even better. Fortunately, you can and should have both, so no need for unfair comparisons. What is it about? What do you care?

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Feel free to ridicule my enthusiasm; go ahead and label me crazy. But the sparks already ignited a fire among young and possibly not so young readers in the U. It will take a thee to catch on in Germany, where only the first book has been translated so far Die Tribute von Panem and the second catching fire theme scheduled for autumn next year. But catch on it will.]

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