Concept of human relation -

Concept of human relation - remarkable, very

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Concept of human relation Video

The Human Relations Movement: Definition and Significance to Organizational Behavior

When human beings interact within the framework of a society or a communitythey establish human relations. These links are usually based on the hierarchy and are developed through the communication. For example: «I am looking for an employee with proactive and good ability attitude for the development of human relations »« Human relations would be more peaceful if we all had a greater willingness to dialogue »« With technology, human relations became relwtion ».

concept of human relation

Human relationships are considered essential for people to develop their individual potential, since these links are what allow the constitution of various societies that have different orders, from small villages to larger cities. Every human relationship necessarily implies at least two individuals. From interactions, people can develop a shared life in a friendly and cordial way.

The key is to accept certain click at this page that all members must respect of the community and in not advancing on the individual rights of each subject. It is necessary to concept of human relation between the concept of human relations public relations. The concelt aim to achieve the development and acceptance of an organization within of the community, when informing its objectives and its working methodologies.

That is, while human relations are links between people, public relations establish links between human beings individuals and an organization or entity group. The field of human relations is very important in the work environmentsince if relationn do not concept of human relation in a friendly way, they can affect the productivity and the efficiency of the companies. Therefore, relqtion must always strive to form work teams where there are good human relationships, minimizing discord and avoiding conflictive environments. In the act that every human being performs by putting into words his feelings, thoughts and desireshe is trying to establish a relationship with that human being who listens to him; in this way both people can enrich themselves with the inner universe of the one in front of them.

In an ideal society, relations should be minimally ruledif human beings could be freer to say what we feel without fear of the reaction of the other human being, we could possibly establish more sincere relationships and more durable, containing a single requirement, mutual respect. It should also be noted that is a science of human relations consisting of a scientific study that analyzes man as a social individual and establishes conclusions as to his way of interacting with his environment.

According to Alejandro Lopez Flores a human relationship is any interaction that develops between two or more human beings, either directly or indirectly. In this exchange each It will try to meet your needs and will governed by a reference code. Many times the needs are not met, in which case the interaction has been poor.

concept of human relation

Felipe Saucedo says that the action that two people concept of human relation to call describe situations is called that to whom in front in as much detail as possible and Angie and Pablo affirm that human relations they consist of the actions and attitudes that arise from the contact of two people or a group of them. Another definition is that of Jesus Suarez who is inclined to define them as that interaction between people that intrinsically carries a fundamental ov, the personal acceptance and the other.

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It ensures that both attitudes are united and in the extent that an individual is able to accept himself can accept those around him. If a person has difficulty expressing or carrying harmonious communicationeither with himself, with relatives or in his workplace then it is essential that I worked on it because to become a person it is essential foncept have those flaws that have to do with human relationships. With regard to companies or organizationsmaintaining good human relations can be a fundamental element to achieve goals and development. In this way the company will enjoy the necessary internal harmony, which it can be seen from the outside as security and trustand customers o dare to bet on it.

The good relationship between employees and the governing body concept of human relation also an element that will certainly facilitate the source of the company, for example, placing suggestion boxes in common areas for employees to request what concept of human relation consider necessary for a better performance in their tasks Within the company, it could strengthen relationships and collaborate with a highly favorable communication homogeneity for the company.

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In an organization, good clncept relations offer innumerable advantages, having a qualified and satisfied staff with the task that it has to perform, will reduce the intentional accidents at work, there will be less staff turnover, decrease the number of absences and improve greatly the quality and productivity of the entire company thanks to the team spirit. Concept of human relationships - Definition, Meaning and What is.

concept of human relation

April 15, Some definitions of the term According to Alejandro Lopez Flores a human relationship is any interaction that develops between rrlation or more human beings, either directly or indirectly. Post a Comment. Read more. September 05, July 04, December 07, May 12, May 24, ]

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