Contemporary organizational structure -

Contemporary organizational structure -

Main article: Philosophy of architecture The philosophy of architecture is a branch of philosophy of art , dealing with aesthetic value of architecture, its semantics and relations with development of culture. Many philosophers and theoreticians from Plato to Michel Foucault , Gilles Deleuze , [9] Robert Venturi and Ludwig Wittgenstein have concerned themselves with the nature of architecture and whether or not architecture is distinguished from building. Historic treatises The earliest surviving written work on the subject of architecture is De architectura by the Roman architect Vitruvius in the early 1st century AD. An equivalent in modern English would be: Durability — a building should stand up robustly and remain in good condition Utility — it should be suitable for the purposes for which it is used Beauty — it should be aesthetically pleasing According to Vitruvius, the architect should strive to fulfill each of these three attributes as well as possible. Leon Battista Alberti , who elaborates on the ideas of Vitruvius in his treatise, De re aedificatoria , saw beauty primarily as a matter of proportion, although ornament also played a part. For Alberti, the rules of proportion were those that governed the idealised human figure, the Golden mean. The most important aspect of beauty was, therefore, an inherent part of an object, rather than something applied superficially, and was based on universal, recognisable truths. The notion of style in the arts was not developed until the 16th century, with the writing of Giorgio Vasari. This treatise exerted immense influence throughout Europe, being the first handbook that emphasized the practical rather than the theoretical aspects of architecture, and it was the first to catalog the five orders. Gothic architecture , Pugin believed, was the only "true Christian form of architecture.

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