Death penalty utilitarianism -

Death penalty utilitarianism death penalty utilitarianism

It will be well to commence the detailed discussion of the subject by the particular branch of it to which the course of our observations has led us: the conditions which the laws of this and all other countries annex to the marriage contract. Marriage being the destination appointed by society for women, the prospect they are brought up to, and the object which it is intended should be sought by all of them, except those who are too little attractive to be chosen by any man as his companion; one might have supposed that everything would have utilitarianiwm done pdnalty make this condition as eligible to them as possible, that they might have no cause to regret being denied the option of any other.

Society, however, both in this, and, at first, in all other cases, has preferred to attain its object by foul rather than fair click the following article but this is the only case in which it has substantially persisted in them even to the present day. Originally women were taken by force, or regularly sold by their father to the husband. Until a late period in European history, the father had the power to dispose of his daughter in marriage at his own will and pleasure, without any regard to hers.

After marriage, the man had anciently but this was anterior to Christianity the power of life and death over his wife. She could invoke no penalgy against him; he was her death penalty utilitarianism tribunal and law. For a long time he could repudiate her, but death penalty utilitarianism had no corresponding power in regard to him. By the old laws of England, the husband was called the lord of the wife; he was literally regarded as her sovereign, inasmuch that the murder of a man death penalty utilitarianism his wife was called treason petty as distinguished from high treasonand was more cruelly avenged than was usually the case with high treason, for the penalty was burning to death.

death penalty utilitarianism

Because these various enormities have fallen into disuse for most of them were never formally abolished, or not until they had long ceased to be practised men suppose that all is now death penalty utilitarianism it should be in regard to the marriage contract; and we are continually told that civilization and Christianity have restored to the woman her just rights. Meanwhile the wife is the actual bond-servant of her husband: no less so, as far as legal obligation goes, than slaves commonly so called.

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She vows a lifelong obedience to him at the altar, and is held to it all through death penalty utilitarianism life by law. Casuists may say that the obligation of obedience stops short of participation in crime, but it certainly extends to everything else. She can do no act whatever but by his permission, at least tacit.

death penalty utilitarianism

She can acquire no property but for him; the instant it becomes hers, even if by inheritance, it becomes ipso facto his. In this respect the here position under the common law of England is worse death penalty utilitarianism that of slaves in the laws of many countries: by the Roman law, for example, a slave might have his peculium, which to a certain extent the law guaranteed to him for his exclusive use. By means of settlements, the rich usually contrive to withdraw the whole or part of the inherited property of the wife from the absolute control of the husband: but they do not succeed in keeping it under her own control; the utmost they can do only prevents the husband from squandering it, at the death penalty utilitarianism time debarring the rightful owner from its use.

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This is the amount of the protection which, under the laws of this country, the most powerful nobleman can give to his own daughter as respects her husband. In the immense majority of cases there is no settlement: and the absorption of all rights, all property, as well as all freedom of action, is complete.

Death penalty utilitarianism am far from pretending that wives are in general no better treated than slaves; but no slave is a slave to the same lengths, and in so full a sense of the word, as a wife is. Hardly any slave, except one immediately attached to the master's person, is a slave at all hours and all minutes; death penalty utilitarianism general he has, like a soldier, his fixed task, and it is done, or when he is off duty, he disposes, within certain limits, of his own time, and has a family life into which the master rarely intrudes.

But it cannot be so with the wife.

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Above all, a female death penalty utilitarianism has in Christian countries an admitted right, and is considered under a moral obligation, to refuse to her master the last familiarity. Not so the wife: however brutal a tyrant she may unfortunately be chained to—though she may know that he hates her, though it may be his daily pleasure to torture her, and though she may feel it impossible not to loathe him—he can claim from her and enforce the lowest degradation of a human being, that of being made the instrument of an death penalty utilitarianism function contrary to her inclinations.

While she is held in this worst description of slavery as to her own person, what is her position in regard to the children in whom she and her master have a joint interest? They are by law his children. He alone has any legal rights over them.

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Not one act can she do towards or in relation to them, except by delegation from him. Even after he is dead she is death penalty utilitarianism their legal guardian, unless he by will has made her so. He could even send them away from her, and deprive her of the means of seeing or corresponding with them, until this power was in some degree restricted by Serjeant Talfourd's Act. This is her legal state. And from this state she has no means of withdrawing herself.

If she leaves her husband, death penalty utilitarianism can take nothing with her, neither her children nor anything which is rightfully her own. If he chooses, he can compel her to return, by law, or by physical force; or he may content himself with seizing for his own use anything which she may earn, or which may be given to her by her relations.]

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