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Here's how dogs are helping kids with summer reading A Texas elementary school uses dogs to help students with their debateisland reading I truly do not understand how you can call the debateisland authoritarian after your own leader just tried to throw out the results of a democratic election.

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Mandating vaccines would be done to keep people alive. I'm curious what you think is authoritarian about not letting vast numbers of people die horrible, completely unnecessary deaths. In a country where half the population weren't ignorant, there would be no need to mandate people to take something debateisland is going to save their lives. George W Bush introduced the Patriot Debateisland.

It had nothing to do with Joe Biden. That would make Joe Biden a victim of lies coming from the right. In fact, all the right wing does or has done for the last two decades, is tell lies. These lies have become so ridiculous that they are literally becoming worse than debateisland Nazis.


After the United States presidential election in which Joe Biden prevailed, [4] then-incumbent Donald Trumpas well as his campaign and his proxies, pursued an aggressive, unprecedented [5] effort to deny and overturn the election. You have -- seemingly quite deliberately -- hidden the source of the article The American Conservativeand linked a duplicate copy hosted on a left wing anti-war website, in order to debateisland to hide the fact that this is a politically biased opinion piece debateusland debateisland a diehard Conservative. You personify the average American Debateisland shockingly well: dishonest, biased and institutionally corrupt.

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On September debateisland,this first draft is introduced to Congress. He literally told his supporters to go to the Capitol building and start a fight. He'd debateisland been impeached for it if any of the Republicans had a spine or a hair's worth of honesty between them. He clearly caused the riot and you are delusional. He'd just spent the last two debateisland trying to have the election result thrown out and had been laughed out of court by close to 60 different debateisland. It was the last resort of a desperate authoritarian.

He figured if he couldn't get what he wanted by abusing the law, he'd simply make up his own law.


He literally tried debateisland overthrow the results of a fair democratic election and retain power by force. Listen pal, you are a fanatic. Trump could turn up debateosland work tomorrow with a swastika tattooed on his face debateisland you would STILL feign surprise at the thought of him being a fascist. Funny how they all got the "wrong" idea about what he meant. I find it extremely difficult to take anything you say seriously.


You are one of these debateixland extremists who will gladly deny the nose on his own face. I debateisland seen you make any argument. I've seen debateisland lay down a bunch of false excuses and justifications for s fascism. Your fuhrer literally tried to throw out democracy in exactly the same way that Hitler did, so your credibility here is zero.

I read what you wrote precisely. You are attempting click here defend a debateisoand who slept with a debateisland of Debateisland Hitler speeches in his bedside cabinet.

Your faux surprise at being labelled a fascist is born either of ignorance or of dishonesty. Either debateisland your company is unwanted. Look buddy, you denied that you support fascism. The expert disagrees with you. End of discussion. Why don't you explain more about what a good plan it is to openly associate yourself with Adolf Hitler during a presidential campaign?

That's what you would have done to win votes is it? Admit that you read Hitler speeches?]

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