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destroy all humans quotes

They tinker with destroy all humans quotes magic and inadvertently set it loose throughout the world of Azeroth. The demonic Burning Legion, lured by the resultant energies, launches a massive invasion in order to drain the world of its innate magic. The Night Elves, unable to defeat the raging Demons, and are forced to ally themselves with the ancient Dragons in order to banish the Legion from the world. The ensuing conflict is so apocalyptic, that the greater land- mass of Kalimdor is broken apart and smashed beneath the sea. Travelling to the newly formed eastern lands, they found the kingdom of Quel'Thalas and begin to refer to themselves as High Elves. The High Elves are continually besieged by the native Troll warbands. In exchange for their help against the Trolls, the High Elves agree to teach men in the ways of magic.

The Book of the Law

The combined army of Elves and Humans succeeds in wiping out the majority of Trolls in Lordaeron. The Order of Tirisfal is founded. The powerful Guardians of Tirisfal are charged with fighting a secret war against the agents of the Legion, unbeknownst to the general populace. Sargeras' malevolent spirit bonds with the soul of Aegwynn's unborn child.

The once noble, shamanistic Orc clans unite and become a rampaging Horde under the rule of the malevolent Shadow Council.

destroy all humans quotes

King Llane, growing weary str581 fighting the Orcs sporadically for ten years, sought to end the fighting by finding where the Orcs entered into Azeroth. This general set up a base of operations near Stormwind and trained his men until he was ready to fight. Blackhand the Destroyer, intent on demolishing the Human forces and giving blood to the Orcs, started the advance upon the defenses of the Humans.

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He needed a good general to do his bidding and sought one in Orgrim Doomhammer of the Thunderlord Clan. Blackhand sent Doomhammer into the Swamp of Sorrows to prepare forces to invade Azeroth and to put down any Human destroy all humans quotes entering the Swamp. The town of Grand Hamlet sent warnings of an attack, due to the recent raiding of the Orcs, to King Llane. Llane sent his general to the town destroy all humans quotes suppress the Orcs and restore peace.

The general destroyed the outpost and restored peace to Grand Hamlet. The Abbot of Northshire Abbey told King Llane about his dream of Lothar, who had been sent on an expedition twenty months earlier to find the Tome of Divinity, papers abortion research battered and pleading for assistance in the Dead Mines.

Llane sent desroy general into the mines to rescue and restore the hero of Azeroth and bring him back to Stormwind. The general entered the mine with a small force of footmen, archers and clerics, fought his way through several bands of ogres who undoubtedly used the mine as a base of operations, and rescued Lothar. Blackhand, reeling at the loss from his eager strike, sent Doomhammer to Grand Hamlet deztroy teach the Humans a lesson and to humiliate them. There, Doomhammer sent his grunts and spearmen to work, crushing Human resistance and demolishing the town.]

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