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Durkheim sui generis - understand

Lilienfeld's thoughts, which he later articulated in compressed form in both French and Italian , laid out his organic theory of societies , also known as the social organism theory, organicist sociology, or simply organicism. He later became a senator in the Russian parliament , as well as vice-president , then president , of the Institut International de Sociologie International Institute of Sociology in Paris. Gerschenkron , footnote 24 calls him "a Balto-Russian," while Barberis 69 says he "descended from Swedish nobility, held important Russian judicial posts, was governor of Kurland for 17 years and ultimately became a senator of the Russian Empire. In parallel with his administrative duties, Lilienfeld was "a tireless worker, always able to find room for scientific research" Worms : Lilienfeld's research leaned towards social philosophy in general, and to speculations about the organic theory of society in particular Worms : , the first outlines of which he began to sketch, in Russian, in his Elements of political economy of and his Mysli of , and to develop more fully in German as his Gedanken of — Lilienfeld : ; Lilienfeld b : xiii—xiv. An anonymous reviewer in Mind noted that the first three volumes. The treatise commences with a demonstration that Society consists of individuals in the same manner as the physical organism is made up of cells , and that the one is real in the same sense as the other. With this idea the author seeks to exhibit a thorough-going identity between the laws of Nature as they exist in the case of its highest development, Society, and in its lower stages, including the individual human being The first three parts are worked out with great minuteness, the connecting thread being the conception of a real analogy between the individual and the social group as the essential foundation of the Social Science of the future Anonymous : durkheim sui generis Durkheim sui generis

The BJP rule states are in a race to enact a law against Love Jihad, the term taken to refer to a deliberate campaign that uses love to convert Hindu and Christian women to Islam.

durkheim sui generis

In this way, states are enacting a law against something which never existed in society. Emil Durkheim, a pioneer of the discipline of Sociology, from France introduced the concept of Social fact. Generid layman terms, anything that restricts the activity of the individual from outside is a social fact. https://digitales.com.au/blog/wp-content/custom/the-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-technology-in/american-accounting-association-jobs.php


A simple example would be Religion, which influences or restricts individual actions in society. Though the concept has been reasonably criticized by later sociologists, it is still relevant today. One of the most important characteristics of a social fact is Externalityaccording to Durkheim.

durkheim sui generis

Externality means that the social fact exists outside the individual and coming into existence as a part of the autonomous development of society sui-generis. Thus, any social fact should be developed on its own say religion, which has a long process of evolution.

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Earlier this year, the Union Home Ministry made it clear that the term click jihad is not defined under the law and no such case has been reported by any of the Central agencies while replying to a parliamentary question.

Investigation into marriages that purportedly raised such durkheim sui generis suspicion also failed to find any substance in the allegations. But the recent efforts to enact a law against love jihad is ultimately an effort to create an artificial social fact in Indian society. Firstly, love jihad, as campaigned by the Hindutva forces, is an imaginary idea, which makes the people believe that it had truly existed, thus creating a sense of hatred against the Muslim community. Durkheim sui generis the long term, this poses a serious threat to the Unity of India by constraining the people of other religions to limit their activities with the Muslim community.

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Another dysfunctional aspect of this artificial social fact would be its constraining influence on the durkheim sui generis of the women of other religions to choose their partner from the Muslim community. Even today inter-religious marriages are of very minuscule percentage but today their choice is limited by factors like family, relatives etc, but once the society accepts the imaginary love Jihad as truly existing, their choice of choosing their partner will be limited by the women from within, as they will become suspicious of any Dufkheim durkheim sui generis they come across in their life.

In a society where inter-caste and inter-religious marriages are seen as the only solution towards a truly secular Duekheim, the imaginary love jihad will have a disastrous effect. The next one is dysfunctional to the whole society but functional to some. It is that there will be a reinforcement of the idea of vote bank politics, among the politicians once the law against love jihad gets enacted and accepted as a social reality.

durkheim sui generis

Durkheeim, the religious sentiments of the conservative Hindu groups, which always searches for ways to vent out their hatred, will get a clear path to direct their hatred through voting once the law gets enacted. This in turn will durkheim sui generis strengthen the feeling of insecurity that is prevailing among Muslim citizens. These dysfunctional aspects will lead India to a path of disorder in society.]

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