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Essay on flood Video


F lood myths form an intrinsic part of many cultural narrations. Both the Persian Culture and Assyrian culture share this phenomenon. The story of angel Tristar and the demon Apaosha in the Persian culture is an account of the flooding that ended the existence of malignant creatures.

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According to Persian legend, these creatures resembled Ahriman. Ahriman was the evil force who roamed the earth.

essay on flood

The account extends that thunder and rain originated from the tussle. Essentially, when the Angel Tristar descended, he caused ten days and ten nights of rain respectively. The droplets of the rain were as large as bowls. This resulted in floods which drowned the creatures. The essay on flood creatures then found their way onto the holes on earth and continued to foul the universe.

Thus Tristar was compelled to descend to the surface of the earth for the second time.

essay on flood

At the time, the demon Apaosha was the leader of the obnoxious no. He fought Tristar, but the angel was too strong for him. Apaosha was struck with lightning and bawled out with pain Miller, It is this sound that is heard in thunderstorms. Tristar then unleashed continue reading second essay on flood which washed away the poisonous remains of the evil creatures. It is these waters that were driven by the wind to the corners of the universe to form the Vourukasha Sea. Find help here. The myth is known as the Epic of Gilgamesh. The gods were keen on cleansing the earth as it had become overpopulated. The gods were led by Enlil Isaak, Nonetheless, one of the human creatures caught was warned before the cleansing.

Utnapishtim essay on flood implored to build a boat of seven decks to protect the seeds of all living things before the floods begun. The storm lasted a duration of six days. With the exception of Utnapishtism, edsay family and the living creatures that had boarded the boat, every human being perished in the floods Sandars, The floods were so furious that even the gods themselves were in fear.

The waters covered everything on earth.

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Only the peak of Mount Nisur was visible. It is here that Utnapishtism docked the boat and delved out onto the surface once more. In the process, Assyrian legend indicates that Asag, the demon of sickness and disease was destroyed.

essay on flood

The floods destroyed his place and took his life. To begin with, in both cases, the floods were intended to cleanse the earth.

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In the Essau account, the earth was being cleansed of the evil creatures who roamed the earth Miller, Essentially, the floods ushered in a new era in the Persian community. It allowed for the earth essay on flood flourish. Likewise, in the Assyrian account, the floods were intended to cleanse the earth of the overbearing human population. The earth was being poisoned as a result of the large numbers. Thus, the floods killed all human beings except Utnapishtism and his family.

The end of the floods ushered in a new era of prosperity for the human race.]

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