How are christianity and buddhism similar -

How are christianity and buddhism similar

How are christianity and buddhism similar - congratulate, what

The following is a comparison between Christianity and Buddhism. Buddhism and Christianity are both religions that have a substantial history and millions of dedicated followers throughout the world. In some ways, the two religions are similar, being based largely on the teachings of a single man; Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha in the case of Buddhism, and The Lord Jesus Christ in the case of Christianity. On the other hand there are various differences between these two religions. In the Christian. how are christianity and buddhism similar

How are christianity and buddhism similar - have hit

Buddhism and Christianity is a remarkable attempt to discuss the complex doctrines and philosophies of the two great faiths in such a way as to enable comparisons to be made by the reader. Estlin Carpenter defines the basic tenets of each religion and casts an inquisitive eye over the different aspects of each. The intellectual atmosphere in which Buddhism arose was unique. It was born from the ancient Vedic scriptures, from a culture far in advance of its historical time. This was several centuries before Christ was born.

Sir James Emerson Tennent.

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Source: Dailymirror. Tennent was not just an administrator, a Colonial master lording obsequious natives. His keen eye and ear caught the nuances of the communities he was administering. He also wrote on the Dutch attempt to root out Catholicism from Ceylon and the educational achievements of the American missions in Jaffna.

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Both in India and Ceylon, the cultural tools used by the Catholic missionaries had proved to be more effective than coercion and violence. Another reason for the preference for cultural tools was that the Portuguese missionaries in India and Ceylon could not count on the support of the Portuguese State apparatus which was necessary to use coercive methods. But when the use of power exceeded limits people resisted in a variety of ways.

how are christianity and buddhism similar

The might of the State did not work to the advantage of the Dutch because what they got, in reality, were fake adherents who lapsed into Buddhism or Hinduism the moment Dutch rule weakened. Sinhalese Buddhists as well as Tamil Hindus found Roman Catholic forms of worship similar and congenial, making transition from one to the other or dual allegiance, much easier. Tennent notes that adherence to Roman Catholicism was stronger as compared to Protestantism. It has its holy places and its pilgrimages in prosperity and health and votive offerings in calamity and disease. Each worship has its prostrations and buddhsm, its repetitions and invocations, in an ancient and to the multitude, in an unintelligible tongue.

Compare And Contrast Judaism And Christianity

Both have their legends and miracles, their confidence in charms and in ahd assistance of guardian saints and protectors. Francis Xavier had converted numerous fishermen on the Tuticorin and Mannar coasts, but he also noted large scale apostasy.

This forced Jesuits in India to think of attuning Christianity to the local culture.

how are christianity and buddhism similar

They composed a Veda in which they insinuated Christian concepts in the phraseology of the Hindu sacred texts. They conducted pompous Ther orcart festivals with the image of Virgin Mary and the Savior. This method secured multitudes of converts in South India and set the tone for Catholic missionary christianuty in Ceylon.]

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